Yes. Crawling. You read that right.

Her khaki shirt is all dusty now, but it is better than to finally get barred from her class. Her classmates might judge her as a dust pan, broom, or even mop. But Karina really didn't care at this rate.

She needs to survive this one hell of class.

This time, thankfully, her professor was too busy with his laptop to even look at people sneaking inside the class. Sighing in relief, Karina received a soft pat on her shoulder as her friend nodded her head towards her knowingly.

"Glad you made it alive"

"Yeah...", Karina answered, finally dusting away every particle that got stuck in her shirt.

When her professor finally got a hang of his slides, he turned his attention back to the bog whote board in front of him. The first thing Karina saw was the name of the person that Karina wasn't keen on just by hearing the name.

"Students. This is a proposal example from the interior architecture top student, Winter Kim", the old man pointed his red laser towards the slide as Karina rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Not Winter Kim again.

"Her proposal got a big praise from our big organiser, and you guys should follow her like what she does. See?", he pointed the laser to the slide again. "Her concept panel is so detailed. Her conceptual model is just superb, and the final interior design is neat and clean, as what you seen in the picture here".

The professor kept praising Winter Kim's work, pointing out her excellency one by one, and soon enough, Karina got tired by it. It's not like this Winter Kim ever hurt Karina in any physical way that she hates her. It's just because-

"You! Miss Yu!", the old man call.

Yeah. This is the reason why she doesn't like Winter Kim even tho Karina never even talks to this girl even once. She didn't even know her face!

"You should pay attention! Make Winter Kim's work as an inspiration to fix yours! Try to learn from her's", he continued.

Yup. That's it. That's the reason why

Every time her professor bragged out of that particular girl from the Interior Architecture major, that old man always compared her with Karina, who isn't even the same major as that Winter Kim.

Karina studied Heritage Design, completely different from that Kim girl.

Why in the world does he always compare her with that Kim girl from another department?

"Even though we were from different majors, yet we are from the same department, and all of our proposal is extremely similar. Try to learn from the best students. Winter Kim here is the best among all", he nods his head before he shot back his eyes towards Karina.

"You heard that, Miss Yu?"

"Yes, sir. Loud and clear", she smiled sarcastically.

What is it that makes Winter Kim so mighty? Why does that old man keep mentioning her name with hers? Karina kept losing her self-esteem because he kept doing that.

Thanks to him, she really doesn't like Winter Kim.

The girl that she never knew much.


Legend from the Yu said that once they could hear that one person's mind, fate has decided the path for both of them. They are destined for each other. That's how everything was going since the eighteenth century.

Her grandfather heard her grandmother's mind, so later he married her. Her father can read her mother's mind. They also fell in love and married.

After living on earth for twenty-three years, Karina still couldn't find her person. she couldn't hear anyone's mind yet.

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