You're Going to Get Me Sick

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The sun was setting on Republic City, but the Satomobiles still drove about out on the streets. The dust kicked up from their wheels left a cloud behind each one. As Kya walked down the street, she accidentally inhaled one of the clouds. She let out a loud cough.

"Jeez." She cleared her throat before continuing to walk.

It wasn't long before Kya got to the building she lived in. She slowly climbed the stairs, complaining to herself about how many there were. Eventually, she arrived at her floor and entered the apartment.

"Hey honey I'm home!" Kya called out. She bent down to take off her shoes.

Lin replied from the kitchen, "In here."

Kya threw her shoes haphazardly in the corner and walked towards her girlfriend's voice. As she did, she inhaled deeply and smelled something savory cooking. She approached Lin from behind and hugged her, nestling her chin into the police chief's shoulder.

"Whatcha making?"

"Soup," Lin replied.

"Smells amazing," Kya said, inhaling again. She tilted her head up and gave Lin a kiss on the side of her chin.

Lin smiled. "How was your day today? Did Tenzin's kids behave?"

Kya sighed. "Jinora, Ikki, and Rohan were fine. But Meelo was really sick all day. He had a pretty high fever. I feel like every time one of my brother's kids is sick, he finds an excuse to get me to babysit."

"Meelo was sick?" Lin had been relaxed in Kya's embrace before, but now she tensed up.

"Yeah, why?"

"You're going to get me sick, too."

"What?" Kya protested. "I feel fine."

Lin playfully swatted at Kya with the spoon she was holding. "Go over there. I don't want you spreading whatever Meelo had to me."

Kya released Lin and put her hands on her hips. "Lin, please," she pouted. "I told you I'm not sick. I barely ever get sick in the first place."

"The last time Ikki was sick, you ended up in bed for a week. Do you really want that again?" Lin gave her girlfriend a stern, but caring look.

"Fine," she grumbled. Kya slumped down in one of the chairs at the table.

"Thank you," Lin said cheekily.

It wasn't long before the soup finishing cooking and Lin served it. Instead of sitting next to her, Lin sat at the opposite end of the table to distance herself from whatever sickness Meelo had.

Ignoring this, Kya quickly dug into her soup. "Wow. This is really good. What did you put in it?"


Kya eyed Lin across the table. Their momentary staring contest ended when Kya giggled. It wasn't long before they resumed their usual dinner conversation. It was the little moments like this that reminded Kya just how much she loved Lin.

Later into the night, when both their bowls were empty, the conversation came to a natural stopping point, Kya stood and collected the bowls and spoons, dropping them into the sink.

"I can do dishes tonight. You go to bed," Kya said.

"Ok. Thank you." Lin got up and walked down the hallway to the bedroom.

Once Kya finished washing the dishes, she followed suit and joined Lin in their bedroom. She saw that her girlfriend was already asleep, so she quietly changed into more comfortable clothes and climbed into bed next to her. Kya gave Lin a quick kiss on the cheek before snuggling under the blankets.

"Good night, my love."

In Sickness and in Health (Kyalin)Where stories live. Discover now