Hogwarts Express

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Dudley P.O.V
"Umm mum Platform 9 3/4 does not exist " I stated
"Duds u see that wall" she answered , pointing between platform nine and 10 " walk-through it
And you'll find the train"
"Wow" I awed as we walked through the wall

Harry POV
Before I could register what was happening, the Demon twins came up to me. "Well, hello
there harrykins good to see you again." they said in their usual twin speak.
"Hey Demons" i smirked seeing the hurt-not-so-hurt look on their faces.
"Harry well u see seems like two members in my fam have a crush on u "George said
"Huh.Who?" I asked. I hadn't even met any of their siblings.
"Well one of them is our dear sister Ginny Weasley and the other is -" however before he could finish Fred put his hand over his twin's mouth.( guess who the other person is u get 5 galleons and the honour of deciding my next books plot)
"Oook" I said suspiciously "let's get on the

"Fred ,George why don't u introduce us to your new friend" a woman who seems to me the twins' mother called out.
" Mother This is 0ur dear friend Harry"
Seeing my scar , their sister squealed, " it's Harry Potter the scar the scar" she was clinging onto to me like her life depended on it .
Although something seemed off about her. I turned to the twins. There was a glint in Fred's eyes .jealously ? Nah
And with that me and the twins entered Hogwarts Express.

Dudley POV
Of course harry had abandon me to and hang out with those twins again.
"Harry!" I shouted repeatedly.
"Who you looking for?" a ginger asked.i wouldn't be surprised if he was related to Fred and George.
I replied "hi my name is Dudley and I'm looking for my cousin,his name Harry Potter"

I smirked I could use Dudley to get to Harry.
"Hi my name's Ron . I could help"
"Thanks" he replied

Fred POV
Me,George Our best friend Lee Jordan, Harry and his best friend Hermione granger.
I was sat opposite the chosen one himself. His raven messy hair. His cheeky smile. He was so perfect.  *Internal face palm * Fredrick Weasley u idiot ! u only met him four weeks ago yeah sure we exchanged a couple of letters but still he's the boy who lived he could have anyone so why would he choose some poor kid like me. Not even my own mother wants me.

A snake slythered out of Harry shirt .
"Wow Harry u have a bloody snake?" my jaw dropped.

Harry POV
"Yh" I replied
"What type and what's her name "
"Viper her name's crystal " I answered
"She's really pretty" Hermione awed.
"Massster. I like thisss girl. She'sssss pretty too"
"Herms she says she likes u and thinks ur pretty as well."
"Hold up. HARRY POTTER U CAN TALK TO SNAKES!!" exclaimed Lee
"No shit Sherlock" me and twins replied

The doors to the compartment opened. " Harry where've you been I've been looking for you!" It was Dudley.
"Hi duds." I said . " who's ur new friend"
"Your brother?" I asked the twins.
"It's you Harry Potter the scar do u have it can I see it" ron ranted.
"Ron leave him alone"

Announcement: Students time to change into ur robes.
~After they'd changed.~

3rd person POV
Hart chuckled, "of course the demon twins would be in slytherin"
"Harry u should be a Gryffindor not a slytherin" Ron stated as if he had the power to place me in that house.
"And what's wrong with slytherins"
"They're evil"
"I mean when it comes to u two..." I said to Fred and George. As a result I received a smack on the head from them.
Everyone else except Ron laughed .
"No joke though . Your brother has compulsion spells on him."
" I do not!" Protested Ron.
With that he fainted.
"So how we gonna get if off him" asked herms
With a few incantation I lifted the spells off him. Then he woke up
"Damn Harry is there anything you can't do" asked Fred in awe.
"Eh" Harry shrugged

Announcement: we are know in Hogsmead Station.
"Hogwarts he we come." They all said .
"This should be fun" thought Harry.

Jade here,
Hope u enjoyed the chapter
I still can't decide hermoines house



Cya in the next chapter

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