1 - The Lantern Festival We Met

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Although a subtle warmth was starting to build, causing a slight sheen of sweat, Gemini took pride in his disguise. While he did draw the eyes of those around him, they saw him more as an odd character, possibly dealing with some mental quirk, rather than as the celebrated star he was. As a result, people stayed away from him, much like how one avoids contact with something potentially unpredictable, inadvertently fulfilling the purpose of his disguise.

Embarking on a journey through the corridors of distant memories, Gemini found himself treading upon a secluded pathway within the heart of the park, a hidden corner brushed aside by the bustling festival crowd. As he journeyed along this less-traveled route, his steps were guided by a peculiar blend of unfamiliarity and an eerie sense of recognition. The path was gently bathed in the soft glow of streetlights, a stark contrast to the brilliant luminance that adorned the busier sections of the park.

Though the radiance of these lights was subdued, it offered just enough illumination to guide Gemini to his intended destination – an expanse of open ground that overlooked the tranquil lake nestled within the park's embrace. By day, this very spot would undoubtedly be a highlight, attracting visitors with its serene beauty. Yet, as night descended, its allure seemed to wane, overshadowed by other favored corners that basked in the nocturnal ambiance.

Casting his gaze across the surroundings, Gemini couldn't help but notice a subtle unease on the face of a young street vendor boy. It was as if Gemini's unusual outfit had momentarily startled the boy.

However, the chance of a customer approaching seemed to give the boy a boost of confidence. This encouraged him to stay where he was instead of backing away. This determined attitude demonstrated the boy's strong work ethic and commitment to his job.

To avoid alarming the boy, Gemini crouched down to meet his eye level and established a connection through eye contact.

"Hey kid, how much are these lanterns?" Gemini inquired.

"Hello, sir. These lanterns are 400 Baht each," the boy replied with a polite smile.

"400, huh? Seems like you've got a talent for setting prices," Gemini chuckled annoyingly, looking at the simple red paper sky lantern in the boy's hand. Internally, he grumbled at the opportunistic nature of the business world. It was highly likely the lantern cost no more than 50 Baht to produce. Such moments made him ponder the idea of switching careers.

"That's the regular rate. In the main park, they even sell for 500 Baht, sir," the boy explained as if he were reciting a script.

"Why not sell these lanterns there then?" Gemini questioned.

"If only it were that simple, sir," the boy sighed. "The competition there is fierce."

While money was something he never lacked as a rising celebrity star, Gemini had no inclination to be wasteful either. Thus, he saw fit to engage in a bit of bargaining, holding out two fingers to signify his intent.

"How about 200 Baht? Does that sound reasonable to you?"

The boy's expression instantly turned sour. "Are you serious?"

"I'm quite serious. From what I can tell, the base price for this lantern is probably less than 50 Baht. So, my offer is already quite generous."

The boy's demeanor shifted swiftly. "Well, those are the regular prices. During festival, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone willing to sell at that rate," he retorted, casting a judgmental and condescending glance. "It's no surprise you're dressed so distinctively – clearly trying to appear high-class while being stingy. If you're not buying, kindly move along and let me make a sale."

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