well hello...

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As I step into my bedroom in the nude I hear a knock on my front door. I literally just got out of the shower and Im sitting on my bed rubbing nivea and rose and vanilla infused sweet almond oil on to my skin. So yeah, definitely not in the mood to be interrupted.

I dont know who the fuck it could be yet I grab my robe and slide it over my smooth scented skin anyway.

Walking up to my door I hear another strong knock that makes me jump a little.
"Oh hold on!" I say a little irritated from being interrupted AND startled in my own home. I sigh and yank the door open as the person is still knocking.

"Oh my god what do you wa-" Yet again Im interrupted, but by speechlessness this time.

Here in front of me is probably the hottest, beefiest most divine chocolate man, standing all wrapped up in a cute little UPS outfit, holding a huge package.

He licks his lips and smiles, eye contact unbroken. "Hi there Ms." he pauses to glance at the name on the box.

-Serenity, sorry for bothering you. Ive been trying to deliver this package for the last 3 days, and your neighbor let me know you were home today...sorry if thats creepy" he chuckles, his smile igniting a small fire in my core. "Either way Im happy I got you, here you are" He sets the box down and smiles again warmly.

Im somewhat surprised to hear that hes been trying to deliver this for a few days, I guess I have been busy. A well needed reality check.
"Wow um...thank you" I start, Im still kind of speechless and my mind is all over the place and my eyes are all over his body.

"Thats crazy you've been trying to deliver this and Ive missed it, my apologies. I guess I've been busier than I thought."

We're stuck in comfortable silence for a moment before he parts his plump lips to speak.

"I don't normally offer this for comfort both ways but, this box is heavy, would you like me to bring it inside for you, just by the door?"

Oh fuck me. If I let him in my home I know im going to jump on him. Okay girl calm down.
I clear my throat, regain my composure as my robe slides a bit down my shoulder. I look up at him through my long lashes and say "Absolutely."

I step back and widen the door as he picks up the big ass box like it weighs nothing and enters inside.

"You can just put it on the rug over there, please"

"Yes maam" he replies setting it down with a soft thud. I usually despise shoes in my home but it was turning me on with him.
Jacob his embroidered shirt reads in the upper right corner.

I smile at him and say "Thank you Jacob"

He closes the slight gap between us in a few heavy strides. Looking down at me thru brown eyes he responds lowly "You are so welcome Ms.Serenity"

Um, I feel like this is a movie right now. It seems like he wants to kiss me. I feel the other shoulder of my robe begin to slide down and his eyes flicker down for a moment then back to my eyes.

"Im sorry for interrupting you" he says

"Hm how did you know" I ask with a laugh.

"I assumed so based on the look on your face, I feel bad but Im just trying to do my job"

He is so fucking cute, I say fuck it and gather the last bit of courage to ask him something.
With a deep breath I say "Do you want to fuck me Jacob?"

His eyes widen but I see a small smirk forming behind the surprise. My intuition nudges me to look down and I see what a possible mistake I've made. Jacob is used to carrying heavy packages...

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