Chapter 1

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It's not that I hate school, I just hate the people in the school.

I hate the kids who laugh at anything even if it isn't funny. The kids who push you, when trying to get to your classes, but they don't apologize. I hate the kids who don't bathe, and smell like dog water or just plain up musty. I hate the people that think they are so much better than you just because they have more money than you. And I especially hate the people that mess with you or bully you for no reason.

The last day of summer break ended yesterday and today is the start of the school year. Which never excites me, at least not with any of the people in the school.

I remember I use to sit in the the bathroom and wait the day out, which  stopped it for a while cause they all protect thought if i stayed home. But after a while they found me and it didn't go so well for me.

My feet hit the floor until I was at my locker, it was my exact same locker from last year. They didn't change it this year, not like I cared but I had really goofy ass stickers on it that I couldn't take off or it would probably peal the paint off the lockers.

They were a bunch of stickers of gay stuff, like rainbow that had on it

'Gay all day'

'Im just too fruity'

Slay, or ur gay'

Stupid shit like that, not say that I wasn't gay, but I was too loud about it.
I put those sticker on my sophomore year, meaning they have changed my locker since the first day of my sophomore year. I was so openly gay that year, and that was my worst mistake. Saying your gay in highschool isn't the best or brightest idea.

I opened my gay 'Aesthetic' locker, which... Had more gave stickers I forgot about. God I was so stupid and oblivious.

I cover it up with my bag, try to ignore the dumb ass stickers.

I pull the schedule paper out and skim over it. "Ok English first then" I spoke before hiking my way to class which was room 103.

I walk into the class and see everyone attention direct to me before laughing and snickering. Of course they are, I sigh before going to sit down in a open sit the the middle. Which was next to a guy with black slightly wavy hair, his eye hazel, with a lip piercing.

The way he looked made me feel kinda basic, I mean I wasn't necessarily ugly, I was a brunette with soar eyes and glass which people calls me such a clique name. 'A nerd'

Funny, how I am claimed to be very smart but in not really passing my classes with flying colors. But I'm still passing.

"Hey, I'm Robin" The guy turns my direction. I get embarrassed and fumble my words " Yea, r-robin! A-and I'm el-elijah!" I mentally slap myself, wow that was my first impression on him great Elijah, just great.

"Anyways, so Elijah-"

"Why are you talking to him dude? You're gonna catch the gay dieses" The obnoxious male laughed.
I sigh at their, oh so funny joke.
I know it's been going on for 3 years now, and I should be use to the jokes and insults, and other crap but I'm still not.

"There is nothing wrong with being gay" said Robin with clear irritation in his voice, which kinda shocked me. Him actually even talking to me is surprising enough. Since I'm gay.

No one wants a gay boy near them, let alone befriending them. They think that I'll like them, or have a weird obsession over them. I would rather have someone who actually likes me, and would respect me. Who doesn't mind me being near them, and always by my side, through thick and thin.
But finding a guy like that, and he's into boy is impossible to find. Girls can barely find a guy like that, and when they do, they dump them cause they want a clique 'badboy'.

"Are you gay?" One of the male asks Robin. "Shit, you think it's contagious?" The guy other laughs. "No I'm not gay, but being an asshole to someone because they are, isn't fucking funny. If you two have nothing funny to say, then shut your fucking mouths".

The males behind us start to quiet down, I guess that did the trick.

"... Thank you" I whispered out, as I changed the direction I was looking.

"For what?"

Is he dumb? What does he mean for what? "For getting those two to leave me alone". He chuckles "Oh, no problem. Plus... I'm actually bisexual so Yea" he says the last part more quieter so one one hears but me.

"Actually!?" I whisper back, he nods with a stupid smile.

I can't believe I finally found someone that's gay, well technically he not fully gay but you get the jist. I'm not the only gay person I know. I've spent most of my highschool time here, and in all that time I thought everyone was pretty much straight. Which now that I think about, how in a school with 6000+ students, there is only 2 people actually gay, and partly gay.

The class went on normal, people still snickered on the low but wasn't being oblivious about to where Robin could hear them.
The bell rang scaring me out of my comfortable nap. I hear Robin laughing at me when he saw me jolt up. I look up him as he starts to stand, and he's pretty damn tall, at least 5'9.
I stand and see that I'm not too shorter than him. Which I guess that makes me feel better.

I push off my own chair "what are you laughing at?" A small laugh comes out. "Oh, Nothing" he gives another stupid smile.

We walk out the classroom together, we're close enough to where I can feel his arm gently brush against mine.
It's weird to me, standing next to someone who actually doesn't mind my presence. Who doesn't mind my sexuality. Who also is into guys. Who isn't disgusted by me. Who actually talks to me. It gives me a spark of hope, maybe this year will be different. Not fully different, but just a little. I feel like I actually... Have a real friend- don't Elijah, he's probably just being nice to you-.

"Hey Elijah, wanna be friends?" Robin turns to me and ask. Nothing about his tone is fake, or feels like he's planning something. It feels like a genuine question. Which made my heart almost stop, my body stops right where I stand and I look at him.
"A-are you actually asking to be friends with me? The gay freak of the school. Are you sure you want to be my friend? People might talk about you, or you might-"... Might bully you, just like they did me. "-Are you sure? I don't wanna make your life miserable just because your my friend-"

"-Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down. It's alright, your not gonna make my life miserable. I think you might turn it around to be honest" He stopped directly in front of me, resting his hands on my shoulders. He had a smile on his face but I could see right through it, he was concerned about me.


"-but if you don't want to, I don't wanna force you-"

"No! I mean, no, I want to be friends with you. I just never actually thought someone would want to be my friend" I say as I felt his hands move down from my shoulder to my arm and give them a small pat. "Then we'll be each other's first friends"

"Wait- you have never actually had friends?" I asked, very surprised.
"No, I just wasn't a people person. Plus I was scared people would find out my sexuality and break our friendship so I didn't have any close friends".

"So, you've had friends, just not close ones?" I ask for reassurance. He nods before starting to walk and I follow on the side of him. "So, why me? Am I just special?" I let out .
He chuckles "I don't actually know, there was like a voice in my head telling me to talk to you and I did. And I don't regret... Yet"

I elbow his stomach, "what do you mean yet?",I starting to laugh.
"I'm joking Eli" [Pronounced: E-lie]
He laughs, "Eli?"

"Yea, I shorten Elijah, to Eli" He says to me, "something wrong?".
I smile, "No, nothing..." Nothing was wrong at all.

I finally made a friend, nothing was wrong now.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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