Untitled Part 11

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this is edited. hope you enjoy.

Chapter 11

Adji's Pov

            I gave her enough time and now I am going over to see her. I do not care if I do not go to school. I will just my mom to call and say I am sick or that I went to the doctors.

"Mom I'm going over to Atzi's house." I tell my mom and start to walk toward the door.

"Honey I don't think you want to go over. You might see things you don't want to." My mom warns me and I open the door anyways.

            What is my mom talking about? I am more than sure seeing Atzi is something I want to see all the time.

"What's going on?" I ask them both. Her mom leaves the room.

"My dad is making leave the house. We are going to sleep at a hotel until my mom can find us an apartment. And I'm not sure what city we are going to be living in. we are hoping it's here in Yerter." Atzi starts crying.

"No you can't leave me. I'll think of something to but you are not leaving." Adji says hysterically.

"Calm down it's not that bad. My mom and I talked about it last night. She is still going to be working with your mom and I am not changing schools. We can still be together. Plus I am your finance. We even have a date set. You can't get rid of me that easily."  She slaps my chest playfully.

"Alright fine you win but next time you scare me like that I am not talking to you for a month." She laughs at my comment.

Atzi Pov

"Thanks for helping us pack." I think him and sit down next to him.

"I just can't believe your dad called just to tell your mom all the pans and crystal is his. Oh and I cannot forget the car. What kind of person does that?" he grabs my hand.

"A boy does that." Adji's dad scares me. "Atzi I need to speak to your mom and you." My mom comes out from the kitchen. "Jules sit down." My mom sits down next to me. "I have a friend who owns an apartment complex. He owes me a few favors and I called him on one of them." My mom starts to talk but Adji's dad stops her. "You are not going to win this argument. We are friends and friends help each other out. You can move in tomorrow. In the meantime, the two of you are staying with us. Adji start taking both boxes home." Adji gets up and grabs two boxes. Adji dad's grabs another two and follows Adji out. My mom and I look at each other and grab a box each.

Adji's Pov

"Babe I want you to sleep with me today. I would feel safer if you slept with me." I try to pursue Atzi. She looks at me crazy.

"My mom is here and I doubt our parents will let us. They are acting a little weird. I just want this to be over." She tells me honestly.

"Hey look at me." Atzi starts to cry. "After everything that just happened means that it will turn around for you. I am here for you. We do not have to listen to them all the time. If you want to stay with me tonight then do it." I wipe her tears and while I talk to her.

"I do want to stay with you. I don't think my mom will mind." She stands up and sits on my bed.

"That's my girl now let's get some much needed sleep." I tell her and sit next to her.

Atzi's Pov

"You two wake up. Atzi you can't sleep with Adji." My mom wakes us up.

"Mom I want to sleep with him. We are not doing anything. I just want to sleep with him. I feel better with him next to him." I admit to her.

"Yes and I want to be with my daughter. You two can cuddle some other day." My mom orders us. I get up and walk out his room.

"Night Ji I love you." I say and my mom closes the door.

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