Curiosity Killed The Guitarist

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Tom's POV

I was walking to school, normal day, like usual. I didn't really like school, but hey, gotta get my education. But, I've been thinking about something recently. I know I've told multiple people; blah blah, I'm straight or whatever, girls, girls, girls, but I don't think I'm straight. I don't know anymore. Why? Theres been a guy that I think I like. I don't really know him, but...

His name I'm pretty sure is Y/N L/N, or something like that. I don't really know anymore. How am I gonna tell Bill about this? I know he's bisexual, but I don't know. I'm so confused. I walked through the front doors, looking around and going straight to my locker. Oh, there he is now...


Theres the boy I like. Tom Kaulitz. He's straight though, and probably hasn't even looked at me before. Whatever. He was quickly grabbing his things out of his locker, and hurrying past me to the bathroom. Is he okay? I should follow him. Wait, no, I shouldn't. Should I? Wouldn't that seem weird? I should. No, I shouldn't...

I followed slowly behind him, acting casual. What am I doing? This is so weird. He's gonna hate me if he knows I'm following him. Oh, god. Why am I like this? I just wanna know if he's okay. I need to stop overthinking so much like this.

Tom's POV

Y/N is following behind me. What is he doing? Oh god, I'm probably blushing, and girls are staring. Why is he following me? Goddammit..I walked into the bathroom, sitting my things down on the counter and acting casual. Y/N walked in shortly after, walking up next to me. "Hey." He mumbles, fixing his hair. Oh god! What do I say!?

"Hi." No don't say that you idiot! You just made a complete fool out of yourself. "Are you okay? You seem a little on edge when you were next to me earlier." Y/N asks, still continuing to fix his hair. "Nope, I'm fine." What the fuck am I doing? I look like a total idiot.


I sound so stupid! What the fuck am I doing??? "Oh, well I just wanted to make sure you were okay, and not stressed.." I reply, fixing my hair still. Why am I still fixing my hair? Oh my god. "Thank you." Tom says in a whisper almost, making sure he looks okay. "No problem.." I reply, about to walk out.

"Wait-" I turn around and look at him, cocking an eyebrow. "What is it..?" I ask. "Can we like...uh, be freinds..?" Tom asks, I could see him swallowing. "Sure." I reply casually, giving him a smile. At least were freinds. "Great.." he says, smiling back. He seemed nervous? Could, he definitely doesn't. "I'll see you at the end of the day..?" I ask, smiling nervously.

"Yeah, sure.." he replies, grabbing his things, about to walk out. "Great.." I reply, as I watch him walk out. I shortly walk out after, looking around. I walk to my locker to grab my things, and walk to class. Freinds is the least we can be. If only we were..ugh, stop.

I can't think of any good titles anymore 🤷🏽

Curiosity (Tom Kaulitz x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now