ch 1: I've been going through something

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"i've been going through something.
1460 days, i've been going through something.

be afraid."

His sweet smile now disappeared from his innocent face.
His skin that was once so soft and warm turned into a stiff pale body.
That flower with bewitching petals, red as rubies, blossomed in the chest of the corpse.

That deafening silence was broken by those drops falling from the pipes of that dark tunnel with only a large truck in which lay the lifeless body of my dear big brother.
The horror I felt that evening was indescribable.

'was this what happens to each of us when mamma isabella tells us we are adopted?'  I recoiled further and further from my brother's lifeless body.
I heard many footsteps coming from one of the doors of that tunnel and I immediately reacted by running towards the exit and hiding in one of the bushes and overhearing the conversation between mama Isabella and other people.

??: "73584, another premium quality child. I'm not surprised you became a mother at such a young age."  said a hoarse, masculine voice to what I assume was talking to mama Isabella.
mama isabella: "thank you for the compliment, i can assure you that there will be many more high quality products like this to come. i have already sighted some gifted children."  my mother's sweet voice was replaced by a cold and serious tone that sent a shiver up my spine.

'T-this is not my mom..!  Th-this can't be her!  Her voice is always gentle and warm…she would never do such a thing to us! NO NO NO!'  big tears were streaming down my cheeks as my face was twisted in a frown.

??: "I'm glad to hear you say it, the headquarters expects a lot from you. Ahhh, how I would like to eat it right now...I'd be satisfied even with just a finger..." at those words my body stiffened, 'the-they wanted to big brother...?'  I leaned in just a little to be able to see who mamma isabella was talking to, and they were…terrifying.

Monsters- no, gruesome demons stood in front of the van and then took my brother's corpse without even the slightest effort with their monstrously long fingers, with gray and wrinkled skin, claws that could tear you apart in a single swing of his hand;  a mask with horns covered the face of those beings apart from two large eyes placed vertically.  Their body was covered in a black robe that only revealed their arms, which had unusual muscle mass.  The so-called demon looked at the body with his mouth watering, sticking out a slimy tongue and showing his sharp teeth, eager to bite into the corpse.

Fear was clouding my mind, my body wouldn't stop shaking.
My hand was still on my lips not to let even a breath escape;

demon 2: "you know we can't harm the goods. These high quality children are only for the nobles, we must limit ourselves to the meat of low quality mass production."  the other "demon" placed what is my big brother's corpse in a display case containing a fluorescent liquid.
demon 1: "yes yes, I know it well. 73584, you can go back to the house with the other children; we expect a lot from you."  Mama Isabella said nothing and she bowed to them out of respect and started walking towards the house.  I waited for mama to enter the house and I ran with all my heart away from that gate and I found the back entrance and used some bobby pins to break into the door to enter secretly.

I ran silently to my room where everyone was now asleep.
I covered myself with my blanket, my face still in terror of what I had just witnessed.

'...we...we are just...cattle to be eaten...?'  tears kept flowing from my blue eyes until I fell asleep amidst despair and fear filling my mind and soul.

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hello dear reader who decided to open this story, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. But at the moment, it will only be this chapter.

Let me know if you are interested in a possible continuation of this ff of the promised neverland.
It's just an experimental chapter, we can say it's a one-shot for now.

Well then good night, good afternoon or good morning everyone!

(P s. Sorry in advance for my bad grammar, English is not my first language. Corrections for it are very welcome.)

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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Don't Tell The Secret //Oliver X OcOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora