Clueless love

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Thats the spirit he continued to lay in his bed, the string felt as if it was getting tighter, it was truly like the farther Kyle was the worse Stan felt.What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he talk to the red headed that he loved so much. It killed him to not talk to Kyle, but he had to get better before they talked, Kyle would just hate him more if he saw Stan in this position or would he not even care? What if Kyle didn't even care that Stan was slowly killing himself with drugs at a younger age? "No, Stan, stop thinking like that, that's why you're like this right now."He thought to himself.Only a couple minutes later Stan jumped up from the loud noise of his door being opened."Stanley! What are you still doing here? School started an hour ago!"His mother scolded Stan stayed quiet, he couldn't tell his mom why he was still in bed and not in school, he couldn't say that he had been drinking and smoking nor could he say why he was drinking and smoking."well?"His mom continued to wait for Stan to answer her questiontears welled in Stan's eyes, he didn't know why. It just happens at times "I.."Sharon noticed the tears and her face immediately went soft "..oh Stanley, come here"she whispered, pulling Stan up and into a hug."please, tell me what's wrong, I can't fix it if you dont tell me, sweetheart"Stan felt as if he needed this hug, maybe it wasn't from Kyle but it was still from someone who loved him."..I.."His voice was broken, his pitied sobs held by his mother"mom..I.."He never thought this would be how he came out to his mom but it was the only way to explain the whole thingStan pulled out of the hug slight, still close to his mom."I have something really important to tell you""you can tell me anything, Stanley"She was patient with Stan, letting him talk at his own pace."mom"*he exhaled deeply*"mom, Im gay"Sharon's eyes went wide but soft again."oh Stan, I'm very proud of you. I'm so happy you felt like you could actually tell me this""..that's not all.. I"Stan paused, he felt this was a huge part of this story of why he was skipping school"and I um, I like Kyle..but that's not why I'm skipping well it is but it isn't at the same time. I came out to him not too long ago..he just looked at me, I didn't know why he didn't say anything so I just left, I left as fast as I could.i haven't talked to him and..well, just look"Stan stood up, kinda clumsly, he walked over to his drawer where he kept all the alcohol alcohol and weed he had stolen from his father. He showed it to his mom and watched her gasp as if she saw a ghost."..Stanley.."She muttered, she didn't look mad like how Stan thought she'd be, she look more worried and scared for Stan."my baby, come here, please, Stanley, don't, don't resort to drugs, I'm begging you, I can not lose you over something I should've noticed, please my baby"she wrapped her arm around tightly, not letting go. Her reaction made Stan even more sad but more mad at himself that he let himself get so bad. He had to fix everything, he just had to. -it's been two weeks since Stan has been sober, he still cried a lot but he's now seeing a therapist but there is one thing that hasn't been completely fixed yet, him and Kyle.It's been about half a month since they've talked like they used to. Stan felt like he needed to fix this, no, he needed to fix this, Kyle is well was his best friend, he can't lose that.Stan decided today was the day he was gonna try and talk to Kyle. -It was a Saturday and Kyle sat at the park, watching his little brother, Ike, play at the playground. He noticed a slightly taller figure walk up to him, Stan. He figured that Stan didn't want to talk to him anymore, he had no idea why either. After Stan had came out to Kyle, they've been distant.Stan walked up to Kyle and sat down next to him."hey.."He said in a quiet voice."hey"Kyle responded in the same tone, this was so awkward they sat in silence for a bit, awkward silence."so um..about you being gay..what was that?"Kyle asked, breaking the silence."what do you mean? "Stan knew exactly what Kyle meant."you kinda ran out before I could even say anything, you hadn't talked or called, even text me for that matter, for days""sorry..I just panicked but you didn't reach out either.""you know, blocked me"shit, Stan completely forgot about that"oh..yea, sorry""'s whatever I guess.."They returned back to that awkward silence "and..I don't care that you're gay, dude.""you don't?""no, I've been thinking lately..and maybe I'm gay also, I don't know for sure yet, but I guess that would explain why I haven't dated anyone yet..kinda forgot guys were an know?"Kyle fidgeted with his fingers"Yeah..what made you realize?"Stan asked, relived Kyle didn't mind him being gay and a little happy, maybe he did still have a chance with Kyle "you"Kyle whispered, looking down while smiling softly."me?"Stan was a little confused, what did Kyle mean?"after we stopped talking..I kinda realized how much I needed you, Stan. I realized that you make me live my best, make me be my're the best side of me, without you, I'm not me.""That's sweet and all but what does that have to do with you realizing you're gay?"Stan was truly touched by what Kyle had said, even made him blush a bit but he was still so confused.Kyle sighed"Stan, I realized Im in love with you."Kyle stopped smiling, he kept looking down, fidgeting with his hands still.""Stan wanted to jump with joy, he wanted to scream and hug, Kyle but he just stared at him"wait actually, me?"Kyle nodded, not looking up, he didn't want to see what Stan's facial expression was." don't understand how happy that makes me""wait what?"Kyle looked up and stan was smiling bigger than ever, Stan's smile made Kyle smile.Two clueless, complete opposites, best friends, in love with each other, what could be a happier ending?-The end(this actually took me two fucking hours to write😔)

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