chapter 6. free

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*In the hall where Yasu is in...*

Audience: Did she just walk out while that was happening...?

Tino looks confused.

Tino: Anyway, to prove it. First, he's just a little kid. What bad could he possibly do? Second, I saw how he fell into our city and I watched him all the time. He did nothing wrong, and he was calling names, so he was probably looking for someone, am I right?

Yasu: Yeah, you are. But why did you stalk him? Kinda creepy...

Soldier: *sigh* *whispers to the other soldier* Let him go.

Other soldier: *nods* Little guy, we can let you go.

Yasu: Really? That easy? Alright, see ya then.

Yasu goes outside and Tino goes with him.

Tino: So you're not from here, right?

Yasu: Yeah.

They go through the door and see the others.

Snow and Yasu stand still and stare at each other for a few seconds.

Yasu: Snow!

Yasu jumps at Snow.

Snow: Yasu, you're not as light as you used to be, you know... but welcome back.

Tino looks weirdly at Jill.

Jill: Is something wrong?

Tino: Oh no. But aren't you one of the members of the TCC?

Jill: Yeah, what about it?

Tino: Hmm, nothing.

Tino walks away while humming.

Jill: Weird. Anyways, let's go to the hideout again. Also, it's getting dark, so we should go to sleep.

Snow: Alright, let's go.

They walk, but Silvia comes from behind and grabs Jill's top.

Silvia: Not so fast, ma'am. Did you steal something from my closet again?

Jill: Well, I may have...

Silvia: Wow, great daughter. First, you're in a group of people who aren't allowed to exist, and you don't hang out with her mom. But you're also stealing my stuff. Thanks.

She walks away.

Everyone is speechless.

Jill: See? As I said, she's embarrassing.

Snow: I mean, maybe you should hang out with her more often. You never know when the last time will be that you can see her.

They start walking back to the hideout.

Jill: Well, as a kid, when I asked her to play with me, she always said she didn't have time. And now I'm doing this so she knows how I felt.

Snow: Well, she is a queen, so she probably has a lot to do. But my dad is the mayor of our village, and he always had time for me. My grandfather, too. He was always doing stuff in his lab but still played with me. *sigh* I wish I could see him just at least one more time.


Yasu: Snow, don't let your head down! You promised to not let anyone die anymore. So now you can do as much as you want with us!

Snow: You're right. But grandpa was someone special. He was always there for me when I didn't feel well.

Jill takes out her phone to text Minka that they're on their way back.

Minka: Guys, guys... *takes a sip of her coffee* They got him! They are on their way back now. *takes another sip of her coffee*

Back at Snow and the others...

Jill: Also, are you two good with the cold?

Snow: Ugh, I hate the cold.

Yasu: I'm fine with it, actually.

Jill: Well, at night it gets really cold down here because of the water.

Yasu: Oh, right, I totally forgot that we are underwater!

Alex: But Snow, don't worry, some houses have extra rooms with oxygen where you can sleep peacefully without any cold water around you.

Snow: For real? It really feels like I'm in the future.

Jill: As if you guys don't have technology and stuff. I can understand the oxygen rooms, like you guys already have oxygen all around you. But what do you guys do all day without technology?

Snow: Well, we train our fighting skills or play some games. I also fought in 2 wars.

Alex: 2 wars? Woah, how are you still alive?

Snow: Well, I got kinda kidnapped from my wife when we were still enemies. And I was so close to dying in the last one. Yeah, my life is kinda like in a fairytale haha. I mean, they also call me "Hero of Oakheart." My grandp-

Alex stops walking.

Alex: "Hero of Oakheart"?

Snow: Yeah?

Alex: No way! I'm your biggest fan! Can I get a signature on my camera?!

Snow: What?

Snow is confused.

Snow: I-I mean, sure, I guess.

He writes his name on Alex's camera.

They walk again after the signature.

Alex: I thought it was just random that a guy who looks exactly like him lands here, but it's actually you! The Hero of Oakheart!

It's kind of an awkward moment for everyone while Alex tells everything about Snow that they know.

They arrive at the place where Snow and Yasu need to wear the blindfold.

Alex: And pow, he-

Jill: Sorry to interrupt you, Alex, but you guys need to wear the blindfolds again.

Alex: Oh, sorry. I was done anyway.

Alex stopped because they think that the others are annoyed.

They arrive at the hideout.

Jill: You guys can take off the blindfold again.

Snow: Also, where did you get all this information about me?

Alex: The internet.

Snow: The what?

Jill: *sigh* Technology, Snow...

Snow: Ah, right.

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