Barou Drabble

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"barou!" you yelled out before running towards him and wrapping your arms around him, "great job at practice today!"

"god, don't do this around here, you idiot," barou complained while glancing back at his teammates but still hugged you back.

"oh please, me being here doesn't take away from your king status."

he rolled his eyes and released you, "shut up and let's head home already, dumbass."

you giggled and grabbed his hand, "alrighty you asshole."

"ugh," he groaned and averted his eyes away from you but didn't pull his hand away, "don't embarrass me in front of the team"

"why do you care about what they think?" you raised an eyebrow in amusement, "you once told me that 'they're a bunch of lowlife servants that only exist to live under your rule'"

"whatever let's just go already, you damn loser"

once you got to barou's house, you immediately dropped your backpack on his bedroom floor and flopped onto his bed.

"nope! bag at the door and no uniform on the bed."

"come on... you're really going to make me sit on the floor, baby?" you whined, already relaxing in his bed.

"don't think you can sweet talk me of all people just because you're my boyfriend." he crossed his arms.

"yes i can. now get over here." you patted the spot right next to you.

barou glared at you in disbelief before sighing and giving in, sitting right next to you. you grinned and threw your arms around him, leaning on his shoulder. "see you can't resist me because you love me!"

he rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around you. "yeah unfortunately you're right. i do really love you," he said, unable to hold back an adoring smile. he then kissed your forehead. "you damn idiot."

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