Chapter 5 The Start of a Fun Friendship

Start from the beginning

"Do you understand me?!" Estella asked them, getting more aggressive, though it was more of a statement than a question. Estella received a meek bunch of yes from the three boys before they ran off, presumably to get away from the girl. After the three boys left, Estella shook the scowl from her face and replaced it with a kind face of worry turned around and jogged back over to Finney, Gwen, and Robin.

"That was so badass," Gwen gushed, proud of her friend.

"Thank you for standing up for me, Estella," Finney thanked, giving the older girl a quick hug.

"Of course, you guys are like my little brothers and sister, of course I'd stand up for you, and besides those assholes had it coming, they've been picking on Griffin as well and I warned them yesterday," Estella told them. "Now, let me see your nose. I need to make sure it's not too bad."

"Stella, you need to teach me how to do that. You intimidated those pendejos without even even losing your cool," Robin asked her with a smile. Once Estella made sure that neither Gwen, Finney, nor Robin were hurt too badly, the quartet made their way to school just like any other day. But before they reached the school, Estella broke the comfortable silence.

"Don't forget, Gwen and Finney, you guys are staying the night at my house tonight since your dad is going to be out and so will Griffin, so after school we're stopping by your house and Griffin's to get you some overnight clothes and stuff," the girl reminded them. "And Robin, if you want to come over too, we can turn it from babysitting into a bit of a sleepover. Also, my mom has a night shift at the hospital, so I will be the one running the show," she added with a kind smile.

"Don't worry, we won't forget, so should we wait outside our school for you?" Gwen questioned.

"Yeah then I can introduce you guys to Griffin, but a little bit of heads up, he doesn't really have to many friends so he's a bit awkward around new people," Estella told them.

"That's alright, Finn over here is the same, Robin said poking fun at Finney. "Also, I'll probably be allowed to come over, but I'll probably show up a bit late because I'm going to the drive-in with my uncle," Robin informed Estella.

"That's all good, and besides, I was thinking we could probably go to the Grab & Go to get some candy? On me, of course. I've been saving up some money for something like this," Estella proposed.

"Sounds good to me," Finn agreed.

"This is gonna be so fun," Gwen announced with a smile. Since they had all come to an agreement and they had reached the fork in the road to the different schools.

"See you guys later," Estella waved to them, walking to the middle school.

"Bye Stella," the younger three called before heading to their school. As Estella walked into the school, people stared, and she swore that she heard her name whispered a few times. With people gossipping, Estella was deeply confused and uncomfortable, but she brushed it off, trying to continue her day as normal... Up until lunch.

Estella made her way out of calculus, one of her least favourite classes, to go to the cafeteria for lunch. Once again, as she walked through the halls of the school, she heard whispers of her name, and people were staring. And again, she ignored it and kept walking to the cafeteria. Walking to her normal spot after getting a lunch tray, Estella took a seat and was about to start eating when someone loomed over the table she was at.

Looking up from the food, Estella was glad to see the familiar of Vance Hopper.

"Hey Vance, what's up?" Estella asked with a smile, putting down the sandwich.
"I just wanted to know if it was true," said the shaggy haired boy as he sat down.
"If what was true?" Estella asked him, wondering what rumours had spread this time.
"Did you really stop a fight between Robin Arellano and Matty and his bunch of idiots and then scare'em so shitless they haven't said a word to anyone since this morning?" Vance replied, curious to know if the kind girl would actually fight someone.

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