Chapter 2 Babysitting

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"Alright, have a good day at work, goodbye, Mrs. Stagg," Estella called out to her before shutting the door behind her and walking into the house. Once in the house, she took off her shoes at the door and left her school bag next to them. Once that was done, Estella wandered through the living room and into the short hallway, leading to Griffin's room.

Knocking on the door, she called into him, asking if she could come in. Griffin gave her the okay, and she walked in. When she stepped into the room, she walked over and sat down on the edge of Griffin's bed.
"Hi Star," Griffin greeted, putting down his book, but not before marking his page, of course.
Hi Griff," she greeted with a smile, ruffling his hair.
"Whatcha reading?" Estella asked, directing her attention to the book sitting on the bed beside the boy. She looked at the cover of the book and saw that it was called The Stand. It was written by Griffin's favourite author, Steven King. She knows this because for his birthday, when she gifted him Carrie for his 10th birthday, she received the biggest hug from him.

"It's a new book called The Stand and it's by Steven King.
"Well, what's it about?" Estella enquired, curious about the novel.
"It's based in a world where there was a deadly pandemic after the government weaponised influenza, accidentally releasing it on the world. After the pandemic, the few survivors gather into factions that are led by either a good ruler or an evil one," Griffin concluded.
"Sounds like a good read," Estella mused.
"It is, I got it two days ago, and I've already read like a hundred pages," he told her, happy that someone was interested in his book. The two spoke for a while before they started to get hungry, when Estella had a great idea.

"Hey Griffin?" She asked.
"Yeah?" He answered.
"How does Lasagne sound for dinner?" She enquired, fully aware that it was his favourite dish. Upon hearing this, he looked at her with what can only be described as a sparkle, in his eyes.
"Yes, please," Griffin enthused, clasping his hands together.
"Alright, she agreed. "Wanna help me make some?" She proposed.
"Absolutely," he answered, bounding off of the bed and into the kitchen. Seeing him bounce off like that, Estella silently laughed to herself before following him out. About an hour and a half later, the pair were sat down at Griffin's kitchen table, digging into their Lasagne.
"This is so good, Star," Griffin complimented, taking another bite.
"Well, I couldn't have done it without my favourite mini-chef, now could I?" She responded.
"I guess not," Griffin said with a small smile. Once they finished their food, Estella decided to wash their dishes and let Griffin go and watch TV. Once she finished with the dishes, she retrieved her sketchpad and pencil from her school bag before joining Griffin in the living room.

About two hours passed when Estella realised what time it was.
"Alrighty, Griffin, you go and get yourself ready for bed, and then you can watch TV for another hour, deal?" She proposed putting down her sketchpad.
"Okay," Griffin said, slightly annoyed, before going to his room and getting himself ready.

About ten minutes later, Mrs. Stagg returned home from work.
"I'm back," she announced, setting her bag down on the counter next to the door.
"Wlecome back, Mrs. Stagg, Griffin and I made some Lasagne, and there's a bunch left over for you to have," Estella told her.
"Thank you, Stella, and here's your fee for taking care of Griffin for me," she thanked kindly, hand me forty dollars. Estella packed away her things just before Griffin came back in to say goodbye to her and hello to his mother.
"Hi mom," he said, giving Mrs. Stagg a hug, which she returned.
"I'll see you on Friday, Griffin, alright?" Estella double-checked with the young boy whilst ruffling his soft hair.
"Yup, see you then," he responded, giving her a quick side hug before Estella put back on her shoes, grabbed her things, and went out the door.

The walk home was quiet for Estella as it was almost nine o'clock at night, so to keep herself occupied, she started humming her current favourite song, Hotel California by the Eagles. Estella always loved walking home at night. It was always so peaceful and quiet. It helped put her at ease.

It took her a while, but she got home at nine pm. on the dot, just like she told her mother. Speaking of which, Estella did a quick check around the house to try and find her mom only to find her mother out cold in bed. Upon seeing this, she tucked her mom in, turned off the light, and left the room, carefully closing the door behind her.

Estella quickly and quietly made her way to her bedroom and got herself ready for bed. When she was ready, she sat down at her desk, took out her sketchpad, and finished her sketch from that day. It was a sketch of a blue butterfly she had seen in a dream the night before.

 It was a sketch of a blue butterfly she had seen in a dream the night before

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*AUTHOR NOTE* this is not my drawing I found it on Pinterest.

She finished up her drawing and put away the sketchpad and pencils. By the time she had everything put away, it was already eleven pm. She got up and turned off the lights in her room before getting into bed and drifting off to sleep.

*Author Note*
I do hope that you enjoyed this chapter and will enjoy any future chapters as well.
See you next time.

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