11| The Flawless and Flawed

Start from the beginning

"If that's your way of saying thank you, then you're welcome," I said, walking forward and pulling out her chair.

Glory snorted. "Sheesh, who are you? I like the smug version of you better."

"So, you like me?" I asked smugly, and Glory bit back a smile, sitting down at the table. "Duly noted."

"Get a life," she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "So what's up with such a... special restaurant. I mean, how can you even afford this?"

Well, the organization I'm in steals from hardworking businesses every day, but hey, I work hard for this money.

"Well, special places for special people, right? And you're worth the money," I said ever so casually, which I knew meant the world to her, but I pretended like it didn't bother me much.

"So," I calmly said, facing Glory. "Tell me about yourself."

"I thought you knew all of that stuff since you stalk me and everything," Glory said, lifting her menu off of the table. "But, anyway, what do you wish to know?"

"What... happened between you and Hailstorm?"

Glory froze, keeping her gaze pinned onto her menu as she quietly cleared her throat. "Um... That's a bit personal, don't you think?"

"I just... I heard you guys used to date and now he talks really bad about you," I said, searching her expression to try to get a read off of her. "And I've heard different stories from different people. So... I was curious."

"And you want to know because?"

"Because I want to know what he did to hurt you," I said. Glory finally looked up at me before sighing.

"You don't," she said. "You don't want to know." Before I could reply, she was already talking. "Um. Do you have any exes?"

I slightly chuckled. "No," I responded, which caught Glory's attention.

"Seriously?" she scoffed. "There's no way you haven't dated anyone before."

"And what makes you say that?" I mused, leaning against the table.

Glory blinked. "Well, uh, just because you're an idiot guy and girls like idiot guys."

"Including you?"

Glory thought about that. "Depends."

"Well," I said, "I haven't dated anyone before because every other girl from my other schools were all completely the same. I'm interested now because you're the only one who's different, and it's intriguing."

The truth was, I didn't date anyone mostly because it never occurred to me. I was too caught up in the missions I was sent on and I was always taught love was a waste of time.

Glory hummed thoughtfully. "And me capturing your attention is apparently an invitation to stalk me?"

I tilted my head at her. "Well, first of all, you also stalked me. And what I do is called being observant, not stalking."

"You climbed in through my window."


"I don't know how long you were just watching me," Glory said. "It's creepy, not romantic."

"You want me to be romantic?" I asked. "I can be romantic."

"Please, no," Glory said, rolling her eyes. "You're already annoying enough as it is."

"And you're gorgeous."

"Shut up, Deathbringer," she snapped.

"I could drown in your eyes," I teased, and Glory let out a dramatic sigh.

"I brought this upon myself."

"You two ready to order?" the waitress said as she stopped by our table, holding a little notepad. "Drinks, anything?"

My eyes finally drifted to the menu and we ended up ordering. The waitress sent us both a warm smile, took our menus, and then walked away.

"What do you want to be?" I suddenly blurted out of the blue. "Like, when you're finished with high school and everything." Glory had to stop and think about that.

"I don't know," she admitted, a little quietly. "I haven't thought about it, but I have considered college."

"You would make a great teacher."

Glory snorted. "I would not. I do not have that type of patience."

It was back and forth for the next two hours, conversations that I never thought I'd have. She showed me what it felt like to be... normal? Happy? She was my first friend since Destiny.

Maybe more?

I slammed a boulder on that thought in an instant, forcing it away into the depths of my mind.

I drove her home. It was late, slightly later than ten, but I was sure Grandeur wouldn't mind. We walked up to her doorstep, Glory smiling and me feeling calmer.


She unlocked her front door and then laughed as we walked in. "Alright. I'll admit,  you are slightly entertaining."

"I'm flattered," I mused, and she laughed again. Something sparked within me, and her laugh fanned it out into something bigger. Into a burning fire.

I hesitantly reached for her, gently placing both my hands on the side of her waist, tugging her into me. Her laughter trailed off into silence as she stared up at me.

"Is this some way to get back at me for the last time?" Glory asked as I pressed my body against her in an attempt to get closer. "Are you trying to tease me?"

"Nope," I whispered. "This is all genuine."

I dipped my head, our faces yet again inches apart, but the spark that had ignited in me was already aflame. The urge was too strong to pull away now.

Her voice was low and hypnotized as she spoke. "So then why don't you just k–"

I cut her off before she could finish her sentence, pressing my lips onto hers.

She kissed me back almost instantly, her lips soft and gentle. She trailed her hands up my chest, wrapping her arms around my neck and deepening the kiss. Our lips moved in sync, the rhythm perfect, controlled, and unified.

I was the first to break away, staring down at her wide, green eyes.

That's when it hit me.

I'm not acting anymore. This isn't an act–I'm actually...

In love with her.


My gaze fell to the floor.

This was horrible. I was supposed to kill her. This was all supposed to be a part of the mission, and now it was all compromised.

How could I have let this happen? How am I supposed to accomplish the mission now, not to mention how I have less than two months to do so?

Alright, Deathbringer, you have two options. You either walk away now and kill her later tonight with or without Morrowseer's permission... or you do something you know you'll regret.

I lifted my gaze from the floor to stare into her eyes.

"I love you, Glory."

She stared back at me.



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