She lunges across the table, grabs her phone, and takes it off loudspeaker. "Yes dad, I am. Where did you hear that from though?"

"Do you remember Ryder Jackson? Our competitor?" He asks and she makes a noise of agreement. "Well, he was at the same event I went to last night and mentioned it to the group. Smug bastard actually thinks his brother is going to go far in life!"

Faye's jaw drops in horror and she mouths an apology to me before replying to him. "Uh...I'm sure he's not all that bad –"

"I don't care! I need you to stay away from him Faye!" He barks and we wince when his voice raises.

"Alright! I really need to get to class though so I'll talk to you later?"

He huffs before replying. "Remember what I said."

I find it odd when her father hangs up without so much as a goodbye and how his tone didn't hold much warmth when speaking to Faye, it was demanding and cold. It's a sharp contrast to the conversations I have with my parents that last for at least twenty minutes if not more and are always full of them concerned about how I'm doing. Not as straight to the point and emotionless as that. My gaze meets hers as she blushes in embarrassment before all but chucking her phone in her bag.

"Well, that cheered me up!"

"I'm so glad I could amuse you." She replies sarcastically while fanning her cheeks. "You did look very bummed out sitting there."

"Couldn't keep your eyes off me?" I grin cheekily and dodge the pen she throws at my shoulder. "My girlfriend of two years cheated on me recently and I just saw her before my last lecture."

She winces before sliding me a piece of candy. "Ouch! What a bitch."

I chuckle humorlessly as I unwrap it and pop it in my mouth. Sour apple. "Yeah...I walked into my dorm two weeks ago to see her hooking up with the captain of the basketball team."

"Wow..." She blows out a breath as she leans back in her seat. "That guy's graduating this year too so she's screwed both ways if things don't work out."

That makes me laugh genuinely and I shoot her a smile. "She said she was drunk but I realized after that that wasn't the case."

"Doesn't change things though does it? I've seen him and even if she was drunk you two look nothing alike."

"Yeah..." I nod but don't say anything more.

I start feeling a mix of emotions again but the sudden sound of Faye's stomach growling breaks the silence and elicits an amused look from me. She smiles sheepishly and shrugs before gathering her things. I look at her in confusion as I stand before she tilts her head towards the exit.

"Still hungry? I know a place that makes amazing cheeseburgers." She smiles and I swing my backpack over my shoulder.

"That sounds great! And you still haven't tried a Boston cream pie. I know a place that makes the best ones so we should get some on the way home."

"Good god! It's like you have a never-ending pit for a stomach." She mutters before yelping loudly as she trips over a wire for one of the computers.

I snicker quietly as her eyes widen at the number of students who turn their heads to her. She rushes behind a bookshelf and I can't stop the amused smile from blooming across my lips when I see her cover her face with both hands and groan softly. Catching up to her I drape my arm across her shoulders and tuck her into my side as we walk downstairs and out of the building. When she finally has the courage to look up from the floor I grin at the sight of her raging blush.

"It's not funny!" She whines before marching off.

"I beg to differ!" I call after her before jogging to catch up. "My car's this way."

"Okay." She mumbles before completely missing the curb and almost tripping over it.

I bite my fist to stop myself from making any noise but my body still shakes from silent laughter. She sighs exasperatedly and whispers a "I want to jump off a cliff," before shooting me a murderous glare. I can't help it and end up laughing loudly which makes a few heads turn towards us.

"Stop! Everyone's looking!"

"Let's give them a show then." I wink before picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder.

She shrieks and demands to be put down as I run towards my car before eventually giving in. I put her back on her own two feet with a smile which only grows wider when she smacks my arm repeatedly.

"Alright I'm sorry!" I chuckle and she stops but the glare doesn't slip. "Come on, let's go."

"I'm not going!" She huffs with her arms crossed. "You can go get food on your own and miss the opportunity to have the best cheeseburgers in town!"

"Faye...I literally prevented you from dying. You should be kissing the ground I walk on in gratitude." I scoff playfully and she narrows her eyes at me.

"Just because I'm clumsy sometimes –"

"All the time." I correct her which only makes her grumpier. She turns to walk away and I pull her back to me with a chuckle. "C'mere. I'm sorry okay. I won't do it again and I'll pay for your food."

"O-Okay." She nods and I notice the dazed look in her eyes before it's gone. Her gaze darts to everything and anything but me before she gestures towards the car. "Uh...let's go then."

Maybe I'm not the only one affected, I think to myself with a weird happy feeling in chest, almost giddy, as I watch her get in with a hint of a blush. She seems to have returned to normal by the time I get in the car as she smiles at me, a little shyly this time. I smile back but get lost in her features as I buckle up.

"Are you not going to start that car?" She chuckles and I snap myself out of it.

"Right! Let's go." I start the engine completely flustered before driving off.

Yeah...I'm a goner.

Update schedule is: two or three times a week whenever I find time!

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- R.W. ♡

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