The Death Of A Member PT.2

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"they go out to chase me but Chaeryeong and Ryujin are left behind zoned out at what happened."

Chaeryeong: this is just a dream right? You wouldn't give up on us.. on me.. right? Please Janna wake up.. unnie is here..

Janna: .....

Chaeryeong: *tears fill her face* please don't leave...

Ryujin: Chae...

Chaeryeong: please tell me she's just asleep!!

Ryujin: I wish I could make the pain go away but she's gone Chae... Our maknae is gone...

Chaeryeong: no!! Please no!! *Cries*


Yeji: JM! Stop!

JM: what now? What do you want?

Yeji: we can still save her...

JM: save her!? Didn't you hear the flat line beeping!? I always have to sacrifice for her but this is what I get? I'm sorry unnie but I can't do this anymore..

Lia: it's not your fault JM.

JM: I shouldn't have begged JYP...

Yuna: you just wanted to make her happy..

Lia: where's Ryujin and Chaeryeong?

Yuna: I think they're still in the room...

"Yeji's phone rings."

Yeji: Ryu?

Ryujin: where are you guys it's getting dark out and Chaeryeong needs you now..

Yeji: we're going back. We just need JM to go back with us.

Ryujin: okay.

Lia: please come back with us.

JM: fine...

"We come back to the room."

Ryujin: took you long enough.

Yeji: don't ... Where's Chaeryeong?

Ryujin: fell asleep next to her body...

Lia: poor Chae she must've been really upset.

JM: ... Not upset as I am

Ryujin: because you are Janna's brother. But guess what! All of us are upset too! She was our maknae our member! She was important to Chae like she is to me! And we just lost her... Chaeryeong fell asleep because of too much crying! You think you are the only one who lost someone here!?

Yeji: *slaps Ryujin* enough! Both of you stop fighting... Fighting won't bring her back.. *she hugs me* *sniffs*

JM: unnie??

Yeji: I'm sorry for not being able to save her... For failing to see the sacrifices you made for her.. I'm a useless leader...

JM: no.. I'm sorry I let anger get the best of me.. we can still save her but there's no more pulse...

Yuna: so we really have lost her..

JM: yeah.. we have..

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