Dance Competition Tournament Eliminations Round (NDGO for the win pt.1)

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JM: are you guys ready for the eliminations?

Amber: I have been waiting for this.

Julie: we never had a name for our group btw.

"*Text from Yeji: what is your group's name?*"

JM: it's NDGO. Short term for the color indigo.

Amber: I like it.

Staff Adrian: your first Eliminations Round, NDGO vs. Skull Rush!

NDGO leader JM: let's get the show on the road!

Skull Rush leader Steph: I'll add you to my trophies.

"Minutes pass and results come in."

Staff Adrian: crowd choose your vote! *Points at Skull Rush, only a few make noise.* *Points at NDGO, the crowd goes wild.* The crowd has chosen NDGO!

"We make it from 100 to 85 in a short amount of time. But Blood Hearts comes in second place to us."

Amber: looks like we have a competition behind us!

JM: we will wait for them, for now we keep climbing to the top!

Staff Mikki: on third behind NDGO and Blood Hearts comes Nightingale!

JM: two bogeys huh.. we will show them.

"We keep clashing against others in the tournament."

Staff Mikki: here comes NDGO against Ace Hearts!

Ace Hearts leader Sam: we will bring you down!

NDGO leader JM: I'd like to see you try!.

"We clash against them and win as usual but behind us is Blood Hearts and Nightingale group."

JM: we are in top 60 now!

Amber: that's good!?

Julie: better than being eliminated!!

JM: let's keep the streak going!!

Amber: yeah!!

"While climbing to get to the top ranks I noticed that Nightingale group have gone head to head with Blood Hearts group and that they lost.

JM: Nightingale lost to Blood Hearts. Guys prepare to defend if we collide with them.

Amber: yeah!.

Julie: will do my best!.

staff Mikki: here's another group after NDGO leader! Blood Hounds Skull Raiser leader Ryujin has gone head to head with Blood Hearts and won!

JM: wait what!!? Unnie is here too!!?

Julie: there's no way we will win against her!!

JM: keep climbing to the top!

Staff Adrian: looks like NDGO leader JM has been clearing paths to get away from Blood Hounds Skull Raiser leader Ryujin!.

Ryujin: I knew you would be smart enough to do that but I'm faster than you guys! Eliminate each group that he left for us!

Lisa: you got it!

Jennie: on it!

"They take out each obstacle I place behind."

Ryujin: you can't run forever!

Cosmic Galaxy leader Yeji: not if I can help it!

Staff Mikki: what's this!? The Cosmic Galaxy group has blocked the path to NDGO!

Cosmic Galaxy leader Yeji: we promised he would win! Do not turn your back on that now!

Blood Hounds Skull Raiser leader Ryujin: I will beat you too if you get in the way unnie!

Yeji: let's dance!

Ryujin: you may be the hidden weapon of JYP but I can dance too!

"We keep heading to the top 30 and soon make our way to the top 25."

JM: thank you unnie! I owe you this.

Staff Mikki: Cosmic Galaxy just defeated Blood Hounds Skull Raiser!

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