Chapter 70

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Draco looked away and shook his head. "What is the point of legilimency if you don't use it to keep someone from killing you?" He scoffed, the sound harsh and angry in the back of his throat. "He survived as a spy through two Wizarding Wars only to be killed by an insurgent vampire coven."

Hermione could feel the cold rage starting to emanate from him.

She swallowed. The news felt like a concussion. After days of dreading Severus' arrival, of regarding it as a foregone conclusion, his sudden absence felt like seismic shift. Everything had been thrown into the air, and there was no telling how it would land.

"Is it confirmed that he's dead? He might have escaped."

Draco looked back at her and gave a slow nod. "It's confirmed. They sent the bodies back with a message: 'The blood of the Dark Lord's servants will fuel the revolution.' His corpse was drained. I personally confirmed that it was him."

Draco gave a sharp sigh and started pulling off his Death Eater robes. "The rest of Eastern Europe is expected to follow suit within the next few days. It's-" Draco snorted, "-it's the collapse we orchestrated, we just hoped they'd wait until July. Severus claimed he had everything under control." He sneered. "Fucking idiot."

The last words were half-snarled.

Hermione swallowed and forced herself to breathe. Her stomach felt as though there were a weight in it so painful she wanted to double over and vomit. She was going to die. She and the baby and Draco were all going to die.

Severus had been the vital piece. He'd been her last hope. She'd thought that maybe he'd help her find a way to save Draco. She'd told him before she left for Sussex that she needed Draco to live. He had to know she wasn't going to fly away quietly while Draco went off to commit suicide. She'd mentally rehearsed a speech begging him, " I told you, I need Draco. I'll do anything. Anything it takes. Anything you want. Please help me. Please help me. If I lose him, I'll die of a broken heart. I'll do anything you ask if you help me save him."

She'd clung to the idea that Severus might have ideas that she and Draco hadn't considered.

Without him, she suddenly felt the last tiny ray of hope gutter out. It was as though a black hole had opened under her feet, swallowing not only her desperate hope for Draco's survival, but hers and their baby's as well.

Draco looked as though he were on the verge of a breakdown. He breathed in sharply through his teeth and dragged a hand through his hair before kicking his robes across the room.

Her hand twitched towards him. She felt as though she might faint.

She reached out and touched him lightly on the arm. He stared down at her, and he looked so tired.

"It's-it's alright, Draco," she said, meeting his eyes. Her voice threatened to waver, but she forced it to stay steady. "It's alright," she said again.

Don't do anything else to yourself.

Her chest spasmed, and her fingers gripped his sleeve. "You did everything you could. More than anyone should have ever asked."

I'd rather die in your arms.

Draco looked at her for a moment before his eyes narrowed. "You're still leaving."

Hermione stared at him blankly.

He reached up, and his fingertips brushed her cheek. "I can still get you out. Severus was the safest option, but there are other options. I didn't mean for you to think you wouldn't escape now."

Hermione was still gripping his sleeve. He rested his hand on hers. "It won't be as clean. It's longer, and it'll be a more difficult journey for you to take," his expression was worried, "especially pregnant. Ginny will come back to Britain and take you."

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