Hermione nearly collapsed with relief. Then she recalled that it meant Malfoy would come take her over a table for another five days, and her relief faded sharply.

"Look at me, Miss Granger," Healer Stroud commanded, "has anyone hurt you since you've been here?"

Hermione stared at the woman steadily while her mouth answered of its own volition.

"I have been physically raped five times and mentally raped twice."

Healer Stroud looked unfazed but somewhat thoughtful.

"The legilimency is painful?"


"Hmm. I'll make a note of that. No other harm to you?"


"Very good. That is a relief. There have been-problems, with some of the others."

Hermione felt horror creep over her like the caress of a ghost.

"Are-are they alright?" she croaked.

"Oh, yes. We got everything taken care of. Some men simply need to be reminded that the Dark Lord's gifts can be taken back if not cared for properly," Healer Stroud said. There was no trace of sympathy or guilt in her expression as she continued waving her wand over Hermione.

Hermione wanted to reach over and snap the woman's neck. Her hands shook as she struggled to contain it.

Healer Stroud was indifferent to Hermione's poorly-concealed rage. She cast a diagnostic charm targeted at Hermione's lower abdomen.

"No tearing. That's a relief. It would have been problematic. I should have come sooner to check, but I was quite busy. Overseeing all the placements was more tedious than I imagined."

Healer Stroud appeared to expect Hermione to be sympathetic. Hermione stared pointedly at the clock and didn't answer.

"Your physical condition has declined somewhat. Are you going outside to exercise daily?" Healer Stroud asked with an irritated expression.

Hermione stiffened; her chest tightened as she tried to breathe and answer the question indifferently.

"I-wasn't. But the High Reeve has begun ensuring it."

"Are you walking? Long walks are important for the constitution."


Healer Stroud stared at Hermione. "You can't?"

Hermione bit her lip and hesitated. "I have panic attacks-Just leaving this room is hard. The High Reeve takes me to the veranda for an hour, but I-I can't-I can't... I don't-It's so-so-"

Hermione started gasping as she tried to describe it. Even with the aid of veritaserum, she struggled to put the fear into words. She struggled to handle the wave of anger and despair she felt for having such an irrational obstacle that she couldn't overcome on her own.

She pressed her lips together, but they twisted sharply. She could feel the pressure in her cheeks and eyes as she struggled not to cry over it.

"Interesting," Healer Stroud said, scribbling several notes. "Presumably due to your imprisonment. It hadn't occurred to me that going outdoors would be an issue. Hmm. Calming Draught would be insufficient, but I can't put you on a permanent anxiety relief; they interfere with pregnancy. Perhaps something temporary, to help acclimatise you. I'll have to research it."

Hermione said nothing.

"Materials will be provided daily for your cycle," Stroud added as she continued writing notes. A thought seemed to occur to her, and she looked up quizzically at Hermione. "What-what was it that happened when you were in prison?"

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