20 - 'Under the Dickhead Exterior'

Start from the beginning

Well, he's not going to find out. His thoughts hit me, and his Beta came out in his tone, making me even more pissed off... he's such an asshole sometimes and its times like this, which has me wondering why I was ever friends with him in the first place.

Sky's POV.

It was lunchtime and Me and June were sitting on the field, watching the football team practice. The only reason being, was that June wanted to watch and 'show her support' for Brody which is stupid, because its just practice. But anyway having said that, I didn't mind too much because Klaus wasn't with them. Who knows where he is, but I don't care. Well... obviously, you do care about him, because if you didn't then, you wouldn't be wondering where he is right now? Urg! Stupid self-conscience.

"You wouldn't be thinking about a certain Iverson brother would you?" June grinned at me with a knowing glaze in her eyes.

"Wesley? No. Why would I?" I looked up to her in surprise, what was she on about?

"You and I both know that isn't the right brother" She smirked, as I tense up... Did she know?

"I don't know what you're talking about" I shook my head, diverting my gaze from her to the football field.

"Oh come on! What's going on between you two?" she pressed.

"Nothing," I said too fast causing a grin to spread across her face.

"Nothing? It didn't look like nothing last night" she raised her eyebrows, daring me to deny.

"I fell asleep, you know I don't like horror!" I glared at her trying to change the subject, but it didn't work.

"Yeah, well you looked pretty close, I mean you were snuggling into his crotch, and he was massaging your back." She laughed.

"I was NOT snuggling into his..." I began, but she cut me off.

"Oh, and he also didn't kiss your head when he thought no one was watching?"

"What?" I whispered. "I mean no. Nothing is going on between us."

"Why lie!" she groaned throwing her hands up in the air.

"I'm not lying!"

"Then why did you sleep together last night?" She did NOT just say that! Oh crap.

"How do you..." I trailed off grimacing.

"I wanted to see if you where okay before I want home, so Wesley said you where in the spare bedroom and when I went to look you weren't there, so I was about to go back and call out a search party, when I turned and happened to look through an open door and saw you in bed... with Klaus. So don't try to deny it. I know. So spill! I wanna know what happened!" by the end, she was grinning with excitement.

"I...I" I began, but I didn't know what to say. I mean Klaus told me not to tell anyone. He said if people found out then he would take me by force... I shook my head. I was not going to let that happen, but he can't control me, and he deserves everything he gets for sleeping with me last night. It's not as if June was going to tell anyone... not intentionally... Urg! I can't tell her- she'll tell Wesley with her thoughts!

"Well?" She pressed, and I gulped, well here goes..."He um likes me" I shrugged. What the hell was that?! How are you going to convince her that nothing is going on between us if I come back with shitty answers like that! I scolded myself.

"Yeah he likes you for sure" she laughed, but then looked at me seriously. "Why can't you tell me" she frowned and I sighed.

"I just can't yet. I'm sorry if I could I would, but I can't" I muttered looking away back to the field, noticing that Klaus was now with the team. I noted that even if wasn't ultra aware of his presence, or I wasn't looking out for him, he was pretty hard to miss. He owned the field. It was weird to see, the way every player was on ultra alert he was there. By the way, they subconsciously watched him, was close to him and called to him every now and then, but they also kept their distance from him- nobody going within about four feet of him. Not that right now he was even giving anyone chance to be within even ten foot of him, because they were now running from one side of the pitch to the other, and of course, Klaus was in the lead. My eyes where watching his every movement as he threw the ball mid-sprint to another player, the mussels in his shoulders, standing out and I scolded myself as I... I'm not going to lie - began to undress him with my eyes, remembering seeing the plains of his chest yesterday in the bedroom before the movie. I could feel a slight blush caress my cheeks as I thought of how he made me feel. As if knowing my thoughts he pulled off his top, leaving his chiseled chest on show for all the swooning girls as it glistened with sweat... wait swooning girls? My eyes immediately snapped away from his body to see the girls now standing around the field all eyes on my mate, and before I could stop myself, an involuntary growl escaped my lips.

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