You'll Do Just Fine (Spring 9)

Start from the beginning

"Audrey?" Madoka asked quietly. The girl was asleep so she held back for the inevitable odd conversation they might have. She was humming a bitter song.

"Don't you go falling in love~
Trust me she's not the one
She won't love you like I do..."

The song touched Madoka's heart and she listened in silence for a moment. She did not realize Audrey was gifted in the art of singing. The girl suddenly sputtered and sprang awake out of breath. Madoka rushed to her side. Cold sweat smeared across her palms as the maid felt her face and wiped tears from her eyes.

"Your High— Audrey?" Madoka held her up.

"Gah! What was that song again?" Audrey breathed. She felt herself all over. "Aaaand I forgot the melody already."

She opened her eyes and peered at Madoka. The beautiful blue eyes traced down her body and stopped on her traveler's cloak. Strands of Knotting magic strayed away from the girl. Audrey groaned and collapsed back into bed.

"I don't wanna go," Audrey flipped the covers over her head.


"We have work to do in a few hours, Audrey," Madoka was shocked at the girl's change of mood.

"Bah!" Came the muffled voice from her friend. Madoka sighed but she did not mention she saw what the princess did last night. When she remembered a sense of longing and curiosity welled up within her but she stuffed it down and gave Audrey a stern look. "I don't wanna!"

"I have your clothes here—"

"Leave them," Audrey scoffed. "Don't need clothes to sleep."

"Fine," Madoka sighed. The Guild Master would definitely yell if they both did not show up but perhaps he would half-yell if she arrived. She pushed a hand into her chest and tore out the crystal. Her chest glowed as bright as the sun as she did but the maid did not want to know how it worked. What she did want, however, was a mirror. The crystal obeyed her desire and burst into specks of light before forming into a hand mirror.

She did not see anything worthy in the mirror so she assumed the princess was just sorting herself out last night. Madoka decided to just forget about it and released the crystal when she was finished inspecting herself. As expected, it did not clatter on the ground but instead silently burst into specks of golden light. The particles rushed back into her heart. She did not flinch and felt nothing unlike the night before.

"Go," Audrey murmured. Her voice was muffled from the pillow. "I'll c-catch up."

Madoka gave another sigh as she heard the princess roll over but left her room. Normally, she would fuss over her lazy friend but she had more on her mind. Her steps made the stairs creak beneath them. No one was down in the main lobby of the inn. Nothing but the cold wind and light of the twin moons.

The maid inspected the handiwork and cleanliness of the inn maid from last night and found it to be adequate enough. Madoka felt odd that she only heard her own footsteps as she stepped to the front door. She was tempted to wait until Her Laziness came down but shook her head. Audrey would bother her if she did that. With anxiety building within her, she opened the door. To her, it felt as if she was about to open the Secret Garden's gate from the grotto again.

She steeled herself. The wooden door felt as if it was going to break between her nervous grip. She reminded herself that she has done it before and that she can do it again. Madoka nearly barged herself through the door and prayed to the kind gods that no one heard her commotion.

Her eyes were greeted by a wide expanse of snow between tall buildings. Icicles hung from the ancient stone and wooden roofs like white skewered meat. Madoka felt her tummy and regretted not eating more food last night. To distract herself from the hunger she focused on the crystal in her heart. It was beautiful and alien. Perhaps it was like a parasite Audrey spoke about. Another something in her heart, speaking for her. What was this feeling she felt?

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