Chapter 2 : TV evenings

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"And then, guess what he told me? A pickaxe!"


My life used to be filled with joyful laughs like that...

The girl sat alone in the living room, on the sofa, facing the TV on some comedy channel.

The joke was lame, no doubt about it, but the girl still didn't change the expression.



The living room was filled with the laughs of the family members. They laughed at the funniest jokes that one could come up with on TV.

Those were the days...


Now, she stood facing a 98-inch Smart TV. She saw her own reflection on the screen.

Her in a colorless world, perfectly described her mood.

Then suddenly, the TV was turned on. Colors invaded the realm, and she was painted lively.

She turned back just to see the man just dropped himself on the couch.

"Argh... what a day."

He complained the moment he sat down, but then he would look at the girl.

"Tsk. You're blocking the view, why are you standing there?"

"Uhm.... So-"

"Come here and sit down."

He pointed at a comfy sofa.


"What's wrong? You don't like comedy shows?"


The girl sat down on the sofa, but close to the edge away from the man, as if she didn't want to take too much space, she wanted her existence to be forgotten in the sofa....

"You know what? FEET!!"

The man sitting on the chair next to the host slapped his thigh after said the "joke", then he laughed like crazy. The show host and some of the audience down there also laughed....


"Kukuku... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Surprisingly, the man who seemed to be quiet ever since the girl sat down just laughed out loud.

He is laughing at a joke lamer than you being around your crush.


Okay the laugh is a bit creepy now.

"And then he told me, FOOT!!!"

The "comedian" continued with his "fabulous" jokes. Which made the man laugh even harder that tears started to come off.

"It is... Really loud but... What is this..."

She did not feel joy yet, but she did enjoy the joke and the laugh, although they are not enjoyable at all.

For a brief second, not even she noticed that she smiled happily.

But the comedy show would come to an end eventually.

"Oh well..."

The man stood up after the show ends, did not even look at the girl or tell her anything, he just left for the kitchen.


"I wish it was... longer... but who am I to ask..."

She looked at the screen again, the show ended, leaving a black, blurry screen with her in. She has returned- but the TV just switched channels to some action movie channels.


"God damn it!! I missed the prologue!"

The man angrily shouted.

He sat down as he held a bowl full of popcorn and a big cup of soda. He is going to enjoy some action movie...

"Seem like he is gonna... Enjoy himse-"

"Tsk. What is with that look on your face? Here, some burnt popcorn!"

He passed the bowl to the girl, the popcorn inside has some slightly burnt texture, as if they stayed in the microwave a little bit too long.

But she took some small bites. And was enjoying it as the man slurped the soda.

She heard a sudden explosion that she stunned, it was from the movie they were watching.

The explosion sound was similar to the sound she heard in the accident...

"Hah!! You got scared because of violence? Too bad! You'll have to enjoy the movies like th- HEY WHY ARE YOU CRYING??"

She was indeed crying. A part because she was treated with care, but mainly because she just remembered about the accident again, and this is the first time she has cried about it.

"Stop crying!! Your teardrops are in the popcorn now!!"

And so the man relieved the girl... A third of the movie has been missed because of that. 

End of chapter 2.

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