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Underground. Which Opal hated. Like mines and tunnels in 13. Underground, where she dreaded dying, which was stupid because if she did die above ground, the next thing they'd do would be bury her underground anyways. The Holo could show subterranean as well as street-level pods. From looking over Katniss's shoulder she could see that when they went underground the clean dependable lines of the street plan were interlaced with a twisting, turning mess of tunnels. The pods looked less numerous, though. Two doors down, a vertical tube connected their row of apartments to the tunnels. To reach the tube apartment, they would need to squeeze through a maintenance shaft that ran through the length of the building.

"Is this a bad time to say I'm claustrophobic?"Opal tried to lighten the mood. They could enter the shaft through the back of a closet space on the upper floor.

"Okay, then. Let's make it look like we've never been here," said Katniss. They sent the empty cans down the trash chute, pocketed the full ones for later, flipped the sofa cushions smeared with blood, and wiped traces of gel from the tiles. There was no fixing the latch on the front door, but they locked a second bolt, which would at least keep the door from swinging open on contact.

Finally, there was only Peeta to contend with. He planted himself on the blue sofa, refusing to budge. "I'm not going. I'll either disclose your position or hurt someone else."

"Snow's people will find you," said Finnick.

"Then leave me a pill. I'll only take it if I have to," said Peeta.

"That's not an option. Come along," said Jackson.

"Or you'll what? Shoot me?" asked Peeta.

"I'll knock you out and drag you with us," said Opal "Which will both slow us down and endanger us."

"Stop being noble! I don't care if I die!" he turned to Katniss, pleading with her "Katniss, please. Don't you see, I want to be out of this?"

Katniss shook her head "We're wasting time. Are you coming voluntarily or is Opal going to have to knock you out?" Peeta buried his face in his hands for a dew moment but then rose to join them.

"Should we free his hands?" asked Homes.

"No!" Peeta growled at him, drawing his cuffs in close to his body.

"No," Katniss echoed "But I do want the key." Jackson passed it over without a word and Katniss slipped it into her pants pocket. Homes pried open the small metal door to the maintenance shaft, where they encountered another problem. There was no way that the insect shells would be able to fit through the narrow passage. Castor and Pollux removed them and detached emergency backup cameras. Each was the size of a shoe box and probably worked just as well. Messalla couldn't think of anywhere to hide the bulky shells, so they ended up dumping them in a closet. Leaving such an easy trail to follow frustrated Opal, but they couldn't do anything else. Even going single file, holding their packs and gear out to the side it was a tight fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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