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have you ever meet someone who made you feel like you were floating over cotton candy clouds? until july they hadn't, or at least they didn't think they had. love is a crazy thing. you never know which one will be the one. sometimes you will meet someone and think to yourself never in a million years, however you never really have control over where your heart takes you.

carson was a nearly six foot tall, and strong blonde curly headed boy who was heading into his senior year of high school. the only things on his mind were his friends and his part time job at the local supermarket. he's never been the type to fall in love on the first date, or at all. he learned early on to keep his guard up. that was all until he met her.

vera was the five foot six girl with the caramel colored hair that reached just past her hips. she was going into her junior year and the most exciting part of her life was she had just gotten her drivers license and a used car from her dads friend. vera was the girl who had had things with guys from time to time, they never made it past the talking stage though. she would try to convince herself not to get attached like the others in attempt to try to protect her heart but she couldn't deny the feelings she felt for him.

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