Chapter 3

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*Full Moon Jam*
Lane: please welcome to the stage. singing an original song, Tito Vega!

Tito walks onto the stage

Tito: hello evreryone, i'm Tito Vega. this song is called "Clouds", this was written just for this (original was done by NF)

Titi turns to the band behind him. He nods to them, they start playing.
⬇️ when it say Nate, imagine it says Tito ⬇️

Once the song ends are clapping but are surprised that Tito came out a song like this. He goes to the band and shakes their hands while thanking them.

He walks off the stage and is met by Tori & Trina. They hug him and he hugs back. They all talk about the song.

Tito: what did you think?

Trina: it was amazing

Tito: thanks Trina, made the backing music and the lyrics. finished it last night.

Tori: you wouldn't think it

Tito: i'm sorry to leave so soon, but i have another song i'm working on and really want to finish

Trina: ok Tito, we'll see you at home

The pair hug. He walks away not hugging Tori, she'd never admit it but it hurt. Tito walks to his car and gets in. He starts driving to the Vega family home.

He gets a phone call from his mother. He picks up.

*phone call*
Tito: hey Mama, what's up?

Holly: when you left the Full Moon Jam did you only hug Trina?

Tito: yeah, why?

Holly: i've just had Tori call me upset about it

Tito: look Mama, i didn't want to hug Tori so i didn't.

Holly: and why is that?

Tito: firstly she never mentioned me to her friends, then she blows me off yesterday at school and when i get home. today she did the same thing. and it's not like i haven't hugged her, cause i did when i got off stage. you can even ask Trina.

Holly: she never said that to us

Tito: of cource she didn't Mama. she never gives you the full story, only the bits that go in her favour. i've got to go Mama, i'm nearly home.

Holly: ok sweety

The call ends. Tito pulls into the driveway and parks the car. He steps out and locks it. He walks into the house then straight to the basement/his apaerment.

Once down there he goes into a room that is like a small music studio. He sits in the chair and starts to work on a track, he has the lyrics done already.

There is a knock at the door. He takes his headphones off pulling them down so they are around his neck.

Tito: it's unlocked.

The door opens revealing Tori, Trina and their friends. He gives a small smile.

Tito: hey guys, what can i help you with?

Tori: why did you just blow me off when you left?

Tito: Tori, i'm not going to get into this with you right now. i'm in the middle of something

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