Lillian smiled. "I'll take that." She then rolled over onto her stomach, propped up on her elbows. "So, you ready to get up? We need to be at the train station in two hours."

"Yes. But first, I have something for you," he said as he rolled over towards the side table nearest him.


"Mm-hmm," he said and pulled a book out, rolled back over and handed it to her. "Here it is."

She gasped and looked back at the book. "It's my Nancy Drew book...the one I let you borrow when we first met."

"Yup. I told you when you came back to me here that I was going to keep it for insurance. To be sure you came back again. I don't have to worry about that anymore, so you can have it back now."

"I remember that. And I haven't seen it since."

"I hid it after that first time—I wanted to be sure you kept coming back," he explained and set the book in her lap.

"It wasn't the book I came back for." She smiled and leaned towards him, capturing him in a kiss that distracted them for a few more minutes before they began getting ready for their journey.


Three hours later, they were on the train together, headed towards the other side of the state for their honeymoon. They were both excited, and it only continued to escalate as they transferred to a taxi for the final short ride to their destination. When they got out of the taxi a half hour later, a tall, lanky gentleman in a suit ran out to greet them.

"I couldn't believe my eyes when Lucy showed me the books, I said 'Does that say Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan!' And here you are! Oh, it's so lovely to see you two again! And married! How wonderful! To think you met at the mansion and here you are back again on your honeymoon! It warms this old man's heart!"

Lillian giggled and gave the man a hug. "Hello, Mr. Landry. It's wonderful to see you again."

"It is so wonderful to see you again, Ms. Dillinger. Oh! I suppose that's Mrs. McMillan now, isn't it? And Mr. McMillan, it's a pleasure to see you again, sir." Mr. Landry stuck his hand out and James took it for a handshake, making the man even happier.

"Mr. Landry, it is—good—to see you again, sir. Will you be showing us to our room?"

"Oh, yes," said the hotel owner as he helped pick up their bags. "And I've taken the liberty of upgrading your room to the executive suite. No charge."

"Oh, you didn't have to do that, Mr. Landry. We would be fine staying in a regular room," Lillian stated.

"Nonsense! Only the best for our VIPs! And I don't know who is more important than return guests on their honeymoon!"

Lillian quickly grabbed one last special package out of the back of the taxi before following the two men in as quickly as she could.

There were two executive suites in the mansion, one at either end of the residential wings. As they walked through the building and up the stairs, Lillian couldn't help but smile at all the cherished memories this place held for her. The warmth in her heart only grew and her pace slowed as they passed by two very memorable rooms—Rooms Four and Six. James glanced back when he noticed her slowing down and then looked to the rooms and smiled as well. They continued, however, as Mr. Landry wasn't slowing down till they stopped at the end of the hall and the owner slid a key in the slot before handing it to James.

They entered the room as Mr. Landry spoke, "Welcome to Executive Suite Eight. If you don't mind just signing this for me," the gentleman said as he waved towards a piece of paper waiting on the nearby side table where an additional key also waited. "Your check-in will be complete."

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