A Vow of Darkness

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In the following days, Scarlett noticed a conspicuous absence of Shade; it was as if he deliberately avoided crossing her path. Engrossed in her queenly duties, she found herself deep in discussion with a maid about tasks that needed to be completed when Arlo entered the kitchen in an unusually frantic manner. It was a stark departure from his usual composed demeanor. His eyes bore a tension that Scarlett hadn't seen before, and his voice held an urgent edge as he addressed her, "Scarlett, I need you in my office immediately."

Her curiosity piqued and a trace of concern etched across her features, Scarlett nodded, excusing herself from the conversation with the maid. As she followed Arlo down the corridor towards his office, her mind raced through the possibilities of what could warrant such urgency. Had something dire occurred in the kingdom? Or was this about the kingdom of darkness that he had warned her about earlier? The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, and Scarlett could feel the gravity of the moment building as they approached the office.

With a slight sense of trepidation, Scarlett closed the office door behind her, her curiosity urging her to find out the reason behind Arlo's uncharacteristic sense of urgency. Her eyes followed his restless pacing, a silent question hovering on her lips. "What is it, Arlo?" she inquired, her voice carrying a note of confusion as she tried to piece together the puzzle.

Arlo's agitated movements came to a halt as he turned to face her, his expression etched with gravity. The words that tumbled from his lips held a weight that sent shivers down Scarlett's spine. "I have been seeing more of them," he confessed, his voice low and solemn. Scarlett's brow furrowed in bewilderment, her steps drawing her a little closer to him. "Seen who, Arlo?" she queried, trying to grasp the significance of his words.

Arlo's stern countenance remained fixed as he continued to share the unsettling truth that had consumed his thoughts. "The people of the Shadow Kingdom," he replied with a hint of disgust. His choice of words painted a vivid image in Scarlett's mind, one that she had hoped to avoid. "Those white-eyed freaks," he added, his tone dripping with disdain. "There is more and more of them by the day." The implications of his words hung heavily in the air, filling the room with an aura of impending danger.

Scarlett sighed, her attempt to placate Arlo evident in her words. "Arlo, I think you might be overreacting. They could simply be visitors," she suggested, her voice adopting a soothing tone in an effort to quell his growing anxiety. She understood the weight of his concerns, but she couldn't help but inject a sense of reason into the conversation.

His pacing ceased abruptly as he turned his gaze towards her, his eyes earnest and determined. "I have reason to believe they are planning to attack Astra," he declared, his words hanging heavily in the room. Scarlett's brows knitted together in a mixture of skepticism and concern. She unfolded her arms, her body language portraying a sense of disbelief. "Arlo, that sounds a bit far-fetched," she replied, her tone laced with doubt. "Just because you've seen some of the shadow people doesn't automatically mean they're preparing for an attack. War hasn't touched our lands in years."

Arlo's gaze remained unwavering as he stepped closer to her, a hint of frustration flashing in his eyes. "You're underestimating the threat, Scarlett. These shadow people, they're not to be trifled with. They've always operated in secrecy, and now their presence is growing more prominent." He paused, his voice dropping slightly. "I've received word that Nox, the so-called 'King of the Shadow Kingdom,' is planning a meeting with us. I need you to be there, to witness their denial and deceit firsthand."

Scarlett's initial skepticism shifted into curiosity as she absorbed Arlo's words. "A meeting with Nox?" she repeated, her tone reflecting a mix of apprehension and intrigue. "If they truly mean no harm, why would their king agree to meet us?"

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