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After a few good sets of arm crunching, thigh workouts, some abs tightening, calf perfecting, bicep making, chest enhancing-


He could take his first break

Kakucho did a quick stretch and wiped his face a bit, ignoring the sweat that dripped down his face as he grabbed his water bottle and took a few good sips

He decided to go to one of the gyms that he had listed whenever he went out

Sure, Bonten being Bonten, they had multiple gyms. Even one at the main building

But, he wanted one that was just him. No coworkers, no sudden fights, no interruptions

And to get that, he had to go to public gyms. They were like any other gym but just...More private?

People minded their own business and did their own thing, it was mostly a calm environment and some people offered help. Some had headphones in

It was perfect peace

I mean sure, a bunch of people would stare at him when he get there. He thought it was because he was new and kept to himself..

But no- It was because he looked fine when he was glistening in sweat

Women lined up to watch him! Men too! They loved to catch a glimpse of him! He was a popular gym crush!

And now, he was done with his reps and sets, grabbing his stuff to leave and catching a few people looking at him...

But, he just pushed it away and moved on with life. Up until he saw some pamphlets at the front desk. He lift one up and saw how they were offering some extreme contest soon

All kinds of information was on this thing. Up coming events and the such. See? This is why he liked public gyms

It made him feel so human..

So normal..

He held the pamphlet and began to leave, opening the door only to stop once someone walked nearby "Oh, I'm sorry-"

However, once he saw who it was, he blinked and gave her a soft smile

"Good Morning, Miss (Y/n)"

The Woman looked up to Kakucho and gave him a small nod. But, she softened a bit once she noticed who it was. The black haired guy that was nice to her

But, after she remembered her encounter with Ran and Rindou a few days ago...It made her think. Would this guy be that same?

He did seem much kinder though

Unlike the other two, he bumped into her. She had a feeling the Haitanis were following her...Just a small feeling

There's no way two ruch looking guys would be at an average market-

"Hello again.."

He closed the door and then looked about "Are you going somewhere?"

(Y/n) nodded and then stared him over, noticing the sweat building up over his body and the...The muscles..

"I assume you were at the gym"

He nodded "I come here whenever I have the time. It's kinda like my stress reliever"

(Y/n) softly hummed and then nodded, looking to the side "I see.." As they fell silent before each other, he suddenly smiled and held out his hand "I'm Kakucho. It's nice to meet you officially, Miss (Y/n)"

Little Miss Tiana (BN X Pregnant!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now