Chapter 2:"Start of a friendship?"

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Once again,the image on top is mine,this time I didn't use any base for it though!Hope you guys like this chapter,and sorry for making you guys wait,enjoy!

Veronica's POV:

"Dear diary,it's been a week since I became 'friends' with the Heathers!

Well,not exactly friends,let's say the Heathers are people I work with and our work is being popular and shit.

I still haven't got used to the popular lifestyle,but it isn't that bad.

PLUS,I also got important information of the Heathers!

Heather Chandler isn't a total bitch,she can be...kind?Funny?God,I don't know!

I finally figured out Heather Duke's personality,and...she's a reserved person in some way,she also likes Moby Dick,if you're interested...

And then there's Heather Mcnamara,she...goddamnit,I haven't got any new information about her!

The only new information that I got is that her mom drinks often,and that's it.

Oh I seriously not getting along with my future w- bestfriend?!

I really need to spend more time with her,don't you think?


As I writed this,I failed to notice a familiar girl coming closer to me.

"Hey Ronnie!" The sunshine of the group started running towards me,thinking that I would catch her...

I can say that the next thing you hear next is a 'Boom!' and a few people gasping.

"Ouch..." I said,not bothering to open my eyes.Fuck,that hurted more than I expected...

"Oh god,I'm so sorry!" said the fellow girl that I was talking about earlier,damn she's close.

"It's fine...can you get off of me though,I don't like making out with the floor..."

Faceplanting on the floor isn't the best experience,specifically if a girl double your size falls on top of you

"Ah,yes!I'm so sorry.Are you ok?"

The girl holded her hand out for me and I gladly took it.

"I mean,if you ignore that the floor is not made out of wool then,yes."

Mcnamara giggled at the comment

God,she's so cute-
Wait,no,Veronica stop having gay thoughts.
She's probably not even gay,why do I always fall for people that won't l-

"Hey,you still here?" Mac asked,kind of worried.

Wait,Mac?God,I seriously just gived her a nickname,not too bad though.

"Uh,yes!I was thinking about something"

I finally responded the girl

"Oh,what is it?"

Asked the sunshine girl with a smirk on her face,as she leaned closer

God,can this get any worse?

"Well,I don't remember.It's something important,but I have no idea of w-"

I was abruptly cut off by Miss Fleming coming into the hall

Well look at that,it can get worse!

"Heather,run for fuck sake!"

I said as I grabbed the girl's hand and started to run out of the school by going through the back door.

"Do you think she saw us?" Mac asked between fast breathes

"I don't think so...she would have been here by n-"

"You two are in big trouble young ladies!Week's detention"

Said Miss Fleming after coming out of the door

Well,shit.Guess I'm getting detention

"Now get back to class"

"Yes Miss Fleming..." we both said at the same time,clearly annoyed.

As we walked to class we started to walk

"God,I hate her" I mumbled under my breath

"I mean,she cares about us atleast?The other teachers don't care about us"

Said Heather back,still a little sad about what happened earlier.

"You think?"

I asked a bit confused about her response

"Yeah,I think she's nicer than most of them!"

She said with a smile pasted on her beautiful-
I-I mean adorable-


Anyways,as I was saying...

She said that with a smile pasted on her face,I honestly didn't believe what she said

"Are you sure that going around the school,haunting everyone that doesn't have an hall pass is being nice?"

I asked,with a pretty confused expression on my face

"Oh c'mon,she treats the some students as her children...or atleast that's what people say around?"

God,she's so innocent,I can't-

"I will believe it when I see it" I said,nor very convinced about this.

"Damn,what are you,Saint Thomas?" she said,chuckling at the end


The love of your life

"the first and only Veronica."

I said in a joking tone,ignoring the voice in my head.

"Well...I will see you later?" She asked,as she starts to go over to her class

"Not like we have a choice..." I mumbled under my breath,maybe this won't be so bad?

Yeah,it will be bad :D

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