They disappeared in a burst of blue energy. The youngest member of the Weasley family had a victorious smile that quickly turned to apprehension when the initial orb tumbled off the ledge. The sight of the glass sphere gracefully descending held a strangely captivating beauty.

"Get back to the door!" Harry exclaimed to the group while running towards the door.

Bookshelves crumbled nearby, fragments of glass embedding into their skin as they crashed through the doorway and descended rapidly.

With screams echoing, they descended abruptly, their bodies halting just a foot above the ground before being lowered onto the stone surface beneath them.

Ron chuckled "Department of Mysteries. They got that bit right, didn't they?"

A solid stone arch was positioned at the heart of an elevated platform, with a soft and undulating veil of smoke dancing within the structure. "The voices. Can you tell what they're saying?" Harry expressed, unable to discern their message.

"There aren't any voices, Harry." Hermione voiced out in concern.

"I hear them too." Luna whispered.

"It's just an empty archway. Please, Harry!" carry pleaded to get out but he seemed to be too 

focused on the smokoy arch.

"Get behind me!" Harry said, pointing his wand to the ceiling.

In a similar manner, each of them pulled out their wands while being surrounded by dark smoke.

The group was surrounded, each one in a chokehold with a wand pointed to their necks. This was a tactic to make Harry submit and hand over the prophecy.

Lucius laughed, "Did you actually believe, or were you truly naïve enough to think, that children 

stood a chance against us?"

He turned, "I'll make this quite simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy, now, or watch your 

friends die."

Harry looked at the situation, his friends near inches too death. Neville shouting, "Don't give it to him!"

He grasped the spherical object within his palm, gently transferring it to Malfoy's open hand. A smile curled on Lucius's lips, lifting it up while a wisp of white smoke transformed into the figure of Sirius.

"Get away from my godson." he smirked, before punching him in the mouth

Lupin, Moody, and Shacklebolt materialized surrounded by billowing white smoke. Meanwhile,  Tonks from Grimmauld Place scurried around at the base of the hill, guiding the children downwards toward Moody.

Leaping up the stone, Hermione shot a spell at Bellatrix, "Expelliarmus!"

The witch let out a grunt as her wand was forcefully dislodged from her grip. Dolohov touched down next to her, wearing a sinister grin. With malevolent intent, he uttered the incantation, "Avada Kedavra!"

Lucius along with Dolohov, Both casting spells at the Sirius and Godson.

"Nice one, James!" Sirius laughed as Malfoy flew backwards and out of sight. 

"Avada Kedavra!"

Harry immediately recognized the voice, and there stood Aurelia, tears brimming her eye as the green light from her wand slowly disappeared. 

A beam of green light struck Sirius, causing him to flinch and grasp his abdomen as his form went slack. Gradually, the misty aura of the arch surrounded him, drawing him in and leading him away, until he completely vanished from sight.

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