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Aurelia let out a deep, resonant sigh as she found herself seated in the dimly lit and eerily quiet confines of the library, the somber atmosphere surrounding her like a heavy shroud. The shelves on either side of her were crammed with a seemingly endless collection of books, each one holding the secrets of ages past.

Determined to assist her beloved friends, who were about to embark on a formidable journey, she leafed through every book with meticulous care, searching relentlessly for any inkling of knowledge pertaining to the dangerous Triwizard tournaments of bygone times.

The weight of the ancient tomes and the knowledge they contained felt both overwhelming and exhilarating to Aurelia, who had a thirst for understanding that could not be quenched.

Each turn of the pages held the promise of insight into the challenges that her bestfriend would soon confront – three grueling trials that would test her courage, skill, and resolve. But the true magnitude of what awaited her friends was shrouded in mystery, for the Triwizard tournaments were renowned for their unpredictable nature, leaving contestants and spectators alike on the edge of their seats.

As the minutes ticked away, Aurelia lost track of time, engrossed in her quest for wisdom. The chronicles of the past champions, the fables of their triumphs and tribulations, became her guiding light in understanding the trials that lay ahead. She sought to glean wisdom from the forgotten stories of valiant heroes who had once stood on the precipice of glory, their names etched in the annals of history.

The solitary hours in the library turned into a voyage of discovery for Aurelia, as she uncovered forgotten accounts and pieced together the fragmented tales of the tournaments. She became immersed in the ancient world of magic, where enchantments and feats of wizardry once astounded the crowds that gathered to witness the awe-inspiring spectacle.

As Aurelia was lost in her thoughts, meticulously organizing the information she had gathered, she was startled by the sudden appearance of her mischievous friend, Burnette. Burnette, with her impish grin and lively demeanor, had a knack for bringing an element of spontaneity to any situation. She bounded into the library with boundless energy, her footsteps echoing through the once-serene space.

"Aurelia, darling! What on earth are you doing cooped up in this gloomy old library at such an ungodly hour?" Burnette exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Burnette, I'm trying to gather as much information as possible about the Triwizard tournaments. you know Cedric, and Fleur are competing, and I want to be prepared to help them in any way I can," Aurelia replied, slightly annoyed at the interruption but also amused by her friend's antics.

"Oh, I know, I know! I know you wanna help!" Burnette chimed in, seemingly unphased by Aurelia's response. "But trust me, you don't need to bury yourself in dusty old books to get a sense of what's in store."

Before Aurelia could respond, Burnette grabbed her by the arm and tugged her towards the courtyard, her enthusiasm impossible to resist. They hurried through the dimly lit corridors until they reached the courtyard bathed in the soft light of dawn. But what Aurelia saw there left her flabbergasted.

Badges with phrases like "Potter stinks" were pinned to the robes of nearly every student, and a banner proclaiming the same message fluttered overhead. The whole courtyard seemed to have been transformed into a hub of mischief and revelry.

She joined a group of Hufflepuffs surrounding Cedric, His face was red as a tomato as Amelia made a comment Aurelia found inaudible. They could tell by her face she disagreed with the badges of Potter.

"Hey, Babes! Care to join us?"

"Of course!" Before she sat on the bench Aurelia kissed both of Amelia's cheeks which was a sign of greeting in France, The girl seemed to be accustomed to it and kissed back.

"What's up, Darling?" Cedric asked while putting his arm around her neck. He was not afraid to show everyone around him how close he was to the Beauxbaton's headgirl.

"I was just studying in the Library!"

Before he could answer None other than Harry Potter marched right up to Cedric and her, and the boy seemed to have seen the badges, and to make it worse Orion and Oliver just made it worse by taunting the boy while he was right in front of us.

"Can I have a talk with you two?"


As Aurelia and Cedric followed the fourth year to a secluded area in the courtyard, Aurelia couldn't help but notice the irritation and worries on the boy's face. Aurelia swore that if Cedric were to say something immature to the boy, she would surely hex him.

"Dragons. That's the first task, They're got one for each of us,"

"Come on Ced!" Orion yelled as Aurelia gave him a glare that shut him up.

How did Potter even find out it was Dragons, Aurelia thought it herself. She spent hours looking at the past of the Triward Tournament but the closest thing She got to have to do with the Great Lake.

"You're serious? And um Fleur and Krum, do they-"

Aurelia couldn't blame Cedric for sounding worried, Dragons are one of the most dangerous animals on the Earth, They can consume and set ablaze physically anything in their past. The dragon was the first task but Aurelia couldn't stop wondering how hurting a innocent dragon would help the Champions.

"Come on Ced leave him!" Now it was Oliver who gave an unpleasant comment, Aurelia didn't even acknowledge it and kept her attention on the two Hogwarts Champions.

Before Potter could leave, Cedric pulled the boy back.

"Hey, Listen. About the badges I've asked them not to wear them."

"Don't worry about it,"

As Aurelia and Cedric headed back to the group of Hufflepuffs, She gave the two a scolding while Amelia just laughed at the outraged girl, All was well until Aurelia saw Harry, and Draco mouthing each other then Professor Moody turned Draco into a Ferret.

There was no way in Merlins, they'd allow this type of punishment here, Beauxbaton professeurs would never use transfiguration as a form of punishment.

She huffed while detaching herself from Cedric's arm, and trod towards the scene, While Harry was laughing his butt off, Aurelia was fuming from her head. She was visibly about to crucio the professor for messing with a student.

"What do you think you're doing? vous ne devriez jamais utiliser la métamorphose sur un élève!" Aurelia cursed at the insane teacher, He seemed to be taken aback by the girl's presence. Yes Aurelia looked and talked like a princess but she was anything but.

"Professor Moody, what are you doing?"


As if in a swift moment Aurelia took out a wand and muttered "Reparifarge" And before everyone's eyes Draco had returned to normal to the normal Blond Draco we all know. I sent dagger towards the two teachers as I stood my ground.

"We never use transfiguration as a punishment, surely Dumbledore told you that."

"He might have mentioned it."

"As for you Ms Dior, I am pleasantly surprised that 5th year like yourself would be able to perform such a advanced transfiguration spell."

I walked back to the group of Hufflepuffs who looked like they were enjoying the whole scene.

"ce professeur est fou."

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