Arboris Folium

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Wingdings didn't like the idea of homeschooling all too much. Yes, the bullying was terrible, and yes, he'd love to be able to learn without fearing that he might get beaten up in lunch break, but.. he missed school. It's weird, yes, why would he miss school out of all things? But maybe he didn't miss school itself. Maybe he just missed who he met there. His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. He jolted up, and ran out of his room. His parent, Miskatonic, was already there, and opened the door. Wingdings carefully peeked around the corner, curious to see who it would be. He hoped it would be his new teacher.

"ah, greetings, you must be miskatonic, right? i'm professor folium, your son's new teacher."
Wingdings recognised that distorted way of speaking immediately. He was a cipher skeleton. And his new teacher. Excitedly, he leaned himself a little further around the corner, in hopes to get a small glimpse of that new skeleton.*

"Of course. Come inside."
*Miskatonic stepped aside, and let Folium come in. The strange skeleton stepped inside, and looked around the house in wonder. His appearance seemed.. different from what Wingdings was used to from cipher skeletons. He was a bit taller than his parent, and seemed much more relaxed and calm. It's not like Miskatonic was tense or anything, they just always seemed so.. distant to Wingdings. Like they brought up the effort to follow basic rules of politeness, but there was never a real bond between them and anyone else. Folium didn't look professional at all, he had normal black trousers, yes, but the triceratops t-shirt ruined his professional image entirely. What DID look professional however, was his big white lab coat. It reached a little bit further than his knees, where you could also see the tip of a tail curling around his leg. That was very unusual for a skeleton. Maybe.. maybe he was different as well? Wingdings didn't want to set his hopes all too high, he didn't need any more disappointment in his life. Suddenly, Folium's gaze fell upon the young skeleton peeking around the corner. He gave him a reassuring smile, and waved at him.

"ah, you must be wingdings! it's okay, you can come out, i don't bite."
Wingdings stared at him with wide eye, and it was now that he began to notice another thing about Folium's way of speaking. He.. seemed to be a lowercaser. That's interesting. He looked onto the floor, and walked towards the tall skeleton. He didn't dare to look him in the eye, in fear that he might notice that he has only one, and make fun of him. But Folium did nothing of the sorts. Instead, he gave him a pat on the skull, and turned towards Miskatonic.

"is it okay if we take a bit of time to get to know each other? i'm sure this little one has a lot he has to show me."
Miskatonic looked at him, and for a second it looked like they wanted to refuse. But then they looked at Wingdings, and sighed.

"Do what you must."
Folium gave them a thankful smile, and then turned to Wingdings.
"now then, how about you show me around a little? i'm curious to see what a little skeleton like you is up to."
Wingdings looked up at him in wonder, but then he remembered what he needed to hide, and turned around quickly. He gave Folium a sign to follow him, and the two walked towards his room.

At first Wingdings was very careful about showing Folium his room. What if he would laugh at him? What if he thinks it's silly? But Folium listened and observed everything with a big smile on his face, what Wingdings just couldn't understand. How could he be so happy about this?

"that sure is a big and lively room you have here, kid. all of this is making me wonder.. what do you want to become when you grow up?"
He tiled his head in curiosity. Wingdings looked at him with wide eye. He had big dreams. Big unachievable dreams. Why bother with a question like that if it's hopeless anyway?

"I uhm- I don't know- I kinda want to be a scientist? B-but that's very silly, I know I uhm- can't really do that haha-"
He looked away in shame, expecting Folium to agree. But instead, he raised an eyebrow, and didn't make fun of him at all.
"why do you think that's silly? i think you are smart enough to make that dream come true. it's a nice goal to have."
He actually thought he could do it. Or at least that's what he said. Who knows, maybe it was just a trick, and he actually thought Wingdings was being unrealistic, and that he's not smart or talented enough to do that. But something about his expression made him think otherwise. That genuine kindness he radiated just confused him.

"Oh- I uh- my parent said I- I'm not really smart enough for that and that I should uh- that I can't do it"
Folium just gave him a big grin, and pat him on the back. Something about the way he acted made Wingdings.. like him. To think that this was gonna be his teacher from now on.. it made him feel happy.
"nonsense, i'm sure you can achieve anything you set your mind to, little one. now then, shall we start the learning? i'm curious to find out what you already know."
Wingdings couldn't help it, he started smiling. He was always secretly trying to tell himself that he could do it, and that he is smart, but he was never able to truly believe it until now. Hearing a complete stranger say it made him feel.. hopeful. He quickly ran to his desk, pulled out a few of the books he kept from school, and sat himself on his bed. Folium sat right next to him, and together they looked through it. Folium answered every question Wingdings asked, no matter what it was. He was suprised at how much that skeleton already know, it made him wonder why his parents didn't believe in him. He wanted him to believe in himself. He knew that he could be the one who would make that kid want to fulfill his dreams.

"i like your font by the way. it has an interesting appearance."
Wingdings have him a big smile. No one ever actually liked his font, or the way he speaks.. except for one other person. But who knows if he will ever see that person again. Thinking about his font made him notice that he actually recognised Folium's font from a book he read in the library. But Folium wasn't his full name, was it?

"Thank you! Many people told that my font is uh- not really a font or something haha-. But your font is neat as well! B-but Folium.. that isn't you uh- that isn't your full name, is it?"
Folium chuckled. That skeleton is way too clever for his age. He must admit, he actually preferred his other name as well, but he was told to use Folium when it came to formalities. When he looked at Wingdings.. he didn't think he would need those formalities actually. It would only create further distance between the two, and it seemed like that was the last thing that kid needed in his life.

"you're right, folium isn't my full name. it's actually arboris folium. that sounds unnecessarily long and formal though, i prefer just being called arboris. if you want to, you can call me that. i think it makes things easier."
Wingdings looked at him in amazement. Arboris sounded much better than Folium. He nodded happily, and the two continued looking at books and talking about various things.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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