She became officially the lover of Anastacius as she didn't know, he experimented her body with black magic to create a child of black magic.

A forbidden magic as is considered to be a taboo and crime to do.

All to defeat Claude.

Claude lived his early days of his young adulthood in hurt and pain by this type of treatment.

He suddenly found out that Anastacius killed his sick mother with black magic that was last straw and Claude became furious with burning rage running from his veins.

He asked Felix Robane, the son of Duke Robane, right hand man and his surrogate brother to joined him in the coup which he replied 'Yes'.

A civil war started in Obelian Empire as Claude finally avenged his mother.

By killing Anastacius cold-blooded

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By killing Anastacius cold-blooded.

And then, he took the Crown.

And became new Emperor of Obelian Empire

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And became new Emperor of Obelian Empire.

And despite Claude wasn't even rightful heir to the throne, he proved himself to be responsible and wise ruler unlike his tyrant brother or father.

And many were willing to let him rule despite they were terrified of him.

But after he became Emperor, his life became meaningless, and he lived a distrustful life as drinking and sleeping around with the concubines.

But after he became Emperor, his life became meaningless, and he lived a distrustful life as drinking and sleeping around with the concubines

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Princess of Siodonna and ObeliaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin