Chapter 7: The Reunion Part 1

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Four caped-silhouette is watching the Continental Advance Spirit Master Academy Tournament awarding its winner, Shrek Academy.

This four caped-silhouette is rather mysterious, but the people beside them seems to ignore them as they are used to people who wants to hide their identities.

The four silhouette seems to consists of one adult and three kids, but the height of these kids have reached the shoulder of the adult.

The four watched the Shrek Seven Monster celebrate their win. The Supreme Pontiff, Bibi Dong, rewarded them with three spirit bones with one of the seven accepting it.

"Ohhh, three spirit bones, that's rare." One of the kid said, this kid's voice seem to contain a mischievous tone.

"Hmmpp." One of the kid just hmmpped, indicating his agreement.

"Yup, that's pretty rare." Said the remaining kid with a lighthearted tone, this kid's voice seems to merge with the world, bringing a feeling of warm and closeness.

The adult silhouette stood up as they saw the bishop strike one of the seven.

The bishop strike Xiao Wu instinctively, protecting the Supreme Pontiff as Xiao Wu suddenly tried to charge the Supreme Contiff.

They saw as one pink flower, slips out of Xiao Wu. The adult silhouette tense up.

"Not good!" The adult silhouette said anxiously.

The other silhouettes also tense up seeing the reaction of the adult silhouette.

They watch as the Supreme Pontiff order two Titled Douluos, Ghost Douluo Gui Mei and Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan, to attack Xiao Wu.

One of the silhouette, the one with the lighthearted tone, rashed towards the stage.

"Whats going on?" Tang Jiyao said internally but still rash towards the stage full speed. As the two little silhouette followed him.

Yes, this is Tang Jiyao watching his brother and his team's awarding  ceremony after they won the Continental Advance Spirit Master Academy Tournament.

His father, Tang Hao, said that it is time for him and his brother to meet again.

Tang Jiyao is excited to see his big brother, wanting to tell him his experiences and his journey.

Both the silhouette manage to reach Tang Jiyao's location in a split second.

"What to do?" The one with the mischievous voice, now seriously said, while appearing next to Tang Jiyao with the other kid silhouette.

This kid's cape is nowhere to be found, so you can see what outfit he currently have on. This kids clothing seems to be some kind of suit that just by looking, you can feel yourself numbing and becoming lost. This is one of the effect of the kid's spirit, the Space-Walking Suit.

This suit allows the user to have an unmatched affinity towards the space element.

Tang Jiyao seeing them appear didn't seem to be startled. He just summoned his spirit and look at them, the other silhouettes instantly understood.

'Don't hold back.' Tang Jiyao's gaze seems to be saying.

The other kid silhouette understanding what Tang Jiyao's gaze means, unsheathed his sword from his waist and summon his spirit instantly.

His spirit seems to have been a mutated beast-type spirit because unlike other beast-type martial spirit, this spirit did not merge with the user but became an independent entity.

This spirit seems to be a three headed dog with black fur with a height of four-meters. This kid's spirit name is, Cerberus, The Three Headed Hellhound.

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