The Wrong Prom Date (3)

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Omkaara sighed when Gauri was finally asleep. She had wreaked havoc in his life with a single sentence. "Marry me Omkaara, now you'll have to."

He couldn't. Not because he hated her or the money her father was offering. But because despite all the hate he saw in Gauri's eyes, his heart didn't stop beating loudly in his ears every time she was around. Even as they screamed their heads out at each other, hurled words so sharp they cut edges in the other's skin, he wanted her.

And that was dangerous.

Omkaara was no stranger to addiction. And Gauri had the potential to be the strongest drug he had ever known.

The thought of drugs brought back unwelcome memories. Only this time, they weren't from the awful rehab centre but his own home. Back when he had thought of Oberoi Mansion as his home.

"Om. Get a hold of yourself." Shivaay supported Omkaara as he swung from one side to another.

"I feel so good, Shiv. So damn good."

"Well see if you still feel good when Papa finds you like this."

"It was just a little lick, I swear."

"How did you even find drugs!?"

"He gave me some."


"Shh, it's a secret."

"Who was it? Was it Dandi! I told you not to trust the guys from the slums."

Before Omkaara could blurt out the name of his dealer, Shakti appeared on the staircase with Pinky and Dadi behind him.

"Omkaara!" He thundered.

"What did you do!?"

This was going just like his plan, Omkaara thought as he grinned up at his Chachu. "Drugs."

Dadi paled. "Shakti! What is this!?"

Pinky screamed. "Drugs!?"

Shakti calmed them when he said, "Omkaara come with me to the library." To the others he said, "Sleep. I'll take care of this."

Omkaara grinned up at Shakti when they reached his office. "Did I do well, Chachu?"

"Yes. Very." Shakti's smirk showed his satisfaction with his devious plan. "now, here's your reward." Shakti loaded up the syringe in his drawer as he took Omkaara's hand. He watched as a gleeful Omkaara screamed with joy as he injected the fluid in his veins.

"Chachu. This is making me dizzy. I liked the previous one bett-" Omkaara drifted off to sleep before he could complete the sentence.

Omkaara had to give it to Shakti. His plan was devious. His method of execution even better. He used the trust young Om had on him and used the excuse of teaching his nephew officework to make Om an addict. He also used different doses depending on the kind of result he wanted. If he wanted to incriminate Om he used just enough to make him unsteady. If he wanted Om to shut up and follow his bidding he used enough to turn him into a blind puppet.

As the decade older Omkaara let his hand drag across his face, he felt something he didn't let himself feel often.

Sorry. Pity.

He pitied the younger him. The one that had yet to be betrayed by this uncle. The one that trusted his family more than he loved them. And yet, he understood that the pity couldn't extend to him today. Not with the devious plans in his head. Not with the fucked up way in which he had planned his revenge.

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