Chapter 8

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Principal: Ariana
Ariana: Pls Mrs Smith  it's already two weeks Please  pretty please
Principal: (after few hesitation she finally agreed)
Ariana: thank you

Chelsea: (in the library looking for Ken) where did that human wonder off too (spotted him sleeping on a book) Ken...(saw a necklace in his hands) what's this(tries to reach for it)
Ken: (woke up)  Chelsea
Chelsea: yeah I was looking for you since yesterday so I figured you'd be here
Ken: sorry I slept off when I was doing research
Chelsea: no rush did you hear what happened to James
Ken: yeah I heard, it's a pity though
Chelsea: but aren't you scared, you know Since you are only human you can't defend yourself
Ken: am not a coward Chelsea I can take care of myself (held her hand)  I'll be fine, thanks for your concern
Chelsea: (smiled) no p, let's go I know you're hungry by now
Ken: OK let me get my things

Ariana: (saw Fiona with Xander) Fiona!!
Fiona: Ariana! You're here, the head mistress lifted your suspension
Ariana: yeah after much pleading, where's Chelsea
Chelsea: am here, what's going on
Ariana: Hey,  Ken are you ok
Ken: we have to get to the bottom of this
Xander: but who could have done this
Ariana: let's head to the cafeteria we'll talk about this there
Chelsea: yeah we where heading there
(on their way to the cafeteria they spotted Aaliyah talking with a scared Yarmi)
Fiona: what is saying to Yarmi
Ken: I can tell she's really scared
Ariana: let's go, before she spots us
(they left)
Frank: where were you all night
Michael: just went for run in the woods
Frank: (saw scratches on his neck) what happened to, why are they scratches on your neck
Michael: (touched it) it umm..when.. I was transforming back I scratched my neck on a tree branch
Frank: OK go take a shower and lets eat breakfast
Michael: OK (hurriedly left)

(in the shower)
Michael: (thinking: I didn't realize I loved Ariana this much until last night)
Ariana: cause you are naked in the middle of the night
Ariana: chill I didn't see anything
Ariana: (crying)why would Frank lie to me,
Ariana: (nods and took off his shirt)
Ariana:(laughing) you are stupid
End of flashback
Michael: but I know that she still loves Frank

Chelsea: will have to get to the bottom of this
Fiona: (saw Yarmi) guys look it's Yarmi
Ariana:(stood up) hey Yarmi
Yarmi: oh hi Ariana you are back
Ariana: yeah can we speak to you in the library
Yarmi:( nervous) yeah

Ariana: Yarmi if you are in some kind of trouble you can tell us
Fiona: yeah we promise, we will help
Yarmi: what.... Are.. You guys.. Talking about
Ken: we saw you talking to Aaliyah
Xander: and how she was threatening you
Yarmi: threatening me...she wasn't threatening me she was just telling me what to do with her homework
Fiona: trust me Yarmi this is not how you want to live your life,  you have only one opportunity to do what's right and take my word for it you don't want to do the wrong thing
Xander:( looked at her)
Yarmi: (sighed) well this is really big,  so gather round guys
Well am not scared of what Aaliyah might do to me, am just worried of what she would do if people knew
Chelsea: what did she do
Yarmi: she killed james
Chelsea: that's not a surprise
Ken: but it's big
Fiona: oh my God why
Yarmi: well I overheard her telling her friends that they are not close to achieving their plan that still have a lot to do
Ariana: their plan, what plan
Yarmi: I don't know, but please don't let her know that I told you
Ariana: don't worry we won't,  thanks Yarmi
Yarmi: I have to go bye
(she left)

Ariana: we have to look for a way to stop whatever plan she's plotting
Chelsea: I have a feeling that this has happened before
Xander: well if it has there's only one person we can ask
All: who
Xander: sir Billy
Fiona: sir Billy, you mean our history teacher
Xander: yeah he's the oldest around here maybe a billion years
Ken: he's right maybe he'll also have a lead on my mom
Chelsea: OK we'll start there, but we have to go bed now
Fiona: yeah I didn't figure out it's so late
Ariana: OK first free period we will meet here again, to plan our moves carefully
Fiona: OK bye then
Both: I'll walk you to your dorm( looked at each other)
Ariana: (chuckled) that's cute but we'll take it from here
Xander: OK then see you tomorrow
Ken: yeah good night Chelsea
(they walked away)

Chelsea: (bit her lower lip)
Ariana: guys I have something to tell you
In their dorm
Fiona: what!!!
Chelsea: all this happened in one day
Ariana: yeah and I feel guilty
Fiona: for what, betraying Frank, he lied to you
Ariana: still,  I slept with his brother for goodness sake
Chelsea: that explains the sctraches on your neck
Ariana: (touched her neck)  scratches, is it showing
Chelsea: yeah but you can cover it up (yawns) am sleepy it's was a long day today
Fiona: you know what Ariana, I think you like Michael but you didn't realize it cause you two were caught up with each other's arguments just give it a thought ok
Good night
Ariana: (thinking: do I really like him)
Michael: I wasn't born yesterday, I know wolves has night vision
Michael: am tired I've been running for a while
Ariana: (laughing) you're stupid
Michael: oh really am stupid (started chasing)
Michael: (pulled her for a kiss carried her to the bed)
End of flashback
Ariana:(lied on her bed) he probably thinks I don't like him and I did it cause I was emotional, but the truth is that I actually yearned to know what he tastes like and I did enjoy last night, but why am I not regretting it shouldn't I?
Mom always says when I meet the one I will know it's him deep within my heart.
Mom where ever you are I miss you it will have so much easier if you where here. (tears rolled down her cheeks as she closed her eyes)

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