Chapter 6

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(Chelsea in the garden playing with her powers)
Ken: hey Chelsea Watsup
Chelsea : hey Ken haven't seen you in a while
Ken: yeah I got busy with class and finding out stuff about my mom
Chelsea: yeah about that you got any lead
Ken: no failed yet again
Chelsea: don't worry we'll think of a way
Jewel: oh my God two weirdos talking it's a perfect fit
Chelsea: just get outta here witch
Jewel: I can't believe a snub like you will actually be sitting with this idiot
Chelsea: watch you mouth jewel (unleashing her powers)
Ken: (held her hands) let it go Chelsea she isn't worth it
Jewel: you better listen to your thing of a boyfriend (laughed and walked away)

Chelsea: you could have allowed me teach her a lesson so she would keep her mouth shut
Ken: and
Chelsea:... I..
Ken: so as I taught (held her hands) let's go
Chelsea: (looked at their held hands)

Aaliyah: how did it go did you get it
Jewel :yeah I got it but I bumped into Chelsea and that human guy
Aaliyah: allow them to enjoy their time cause it won't be pretty very soon

Michael: aren't we there yet
Ariana: we are here( raised a leave and revealed a huge mansion with fence)
Michael: wow your house is lit
Ariana: yeah but dark I don't really like staying here
You know without my mom
Michael: yeah I know what it feels like
Ariana: where do you stay
Michael: you'll know soon when we become friends bye cubby (turned into a wolf and ran back)
Ariana: so he walked me all the way here and now he's going back isn't that stupid (laughing)
But he's funny though
(entered inside)

(Anna Ariana personal maid and best friend)
Anna: Mistress Ariana why are you back home,
Ariana: (hugged her) auntie Anna I missed you.
Well I got suspended
Anna: what!! If your dad find..
Ariana: Pls auntie Anna dont tell him yet I'll tell him myself where is he by the way
Anna: he's in a meeting
Ariana: ok

In the hall
Chelsea: I can't believe that witch
Fiona: what's up Chelsea
Chelsea: well am in a bad mood
Fiona: why What happened
Chelsea: well that Jewel is getting on my nerves
Fiona: it's a because of that dead mummy Aaliyah
Aaliyah: watch your mouth nerd, oh where's your little doggie friend, oh I forgot she's on suspension for sneaking out at night you know you guys don't know how to keep your mouth shut, you know if Ariana wasn't so naïve and stupid I would have added her to my group since she's already sneaking out and that's what bad girls do
Fiona: so are the one who reported her to the principal
Aaliyah: (looking at her nails) yes darling
Chelsea: (held her neck and rose her up) if I find out that you are up to no good, I'll gladly bite off your pretty face and bury you in your closet since you are used to it
Tink: let her go you blood sucking animal
Fiona: you better shut the fuck up
Tink: (walked up to her) don't tell me what to do
Fiona: and what will you do if I do (eyes turned dark green)
(students gathered)
Xander: Fiona stop it, Chelsea drop her down
Aaliyah: (struggling)
Chelsea: (threw her down) see you around mummy. Let's go fiona
Aaliyah: am holding your life in my palms, trust me your days are numbered
Xander: you better stop whatever your planning Aaliyah or else I'll report to the Leaders (walked up to her)
Aaliyah: (smiled and walked away)
Xander: (went to Fiona) what happened Fiona
Fiona: it's nothing Xander thanks for your help
Xander: yeah no problem
Fiona: (smiled) Chelsea we have to go see Ariana
Chelsea: you're right
Xander: am coming with you guys
Chelsea: you sure
Xander: yeah
Fiona: (whispered to Chelsea) isn't he sweet
Chelsea: (rolled her eyes)

Ariana: (on the phone) yes Frank I've eaten, yeah you know my favorite beef (saw her phone, Fiona was calling) oh babe I'll call you later.... Fiona Watsup....yeah am at home...ok I'll be waiting...Xander

Fiona:(Flying with her huge purple wings) yes he insisted so beat it
Ariana: whatever

Chelsea: hey mermaid boy try to keep up
Xander: well sorry if mermaids don't have wings to fly am running while you guys are taking the easy way
Chelsea: well you gotta run faster.
Xander: I knew that's what you would say
Fiona: we are almost there
Chelsea: how do you know
Fiona: umm GPS
Chelsea: there's signal over here
Fiona: yeah I guess
Xander: (stopped panting) am tired I can't go on
Chelsea: seriously mermaid boy now
Xander: firstly (looked seriously) don't call me that secondly am exhausted
Chelsea: ( rolled her eyes)
Am not even flying
Xander: yeah cause you have super speed
Fiona: are you guys serious right now, you know mrs smith gave us limited time to come outside
Chelsea: tell that to your boyfriend here
Fiona: gosh,(took his hand and flew up)
Xander: Woah are you sure about this
Fiona: well am carrying you already aren't i
Chelsea: just be thankful mermaid boy
Xander: (rolled his eyes)

Tink: are you sure you want to still do this
Aaliyah: of course we've come this far
Jewel: am ready to do this to show those pesky pest who's boss

Xander: (looked up but saw her underwear in her short skirt) ( cleared his throat) umm aren't we there yet am getting a little uncomfortable
Chelsea: why
Xander: Um cause I can't look at the sky
Fiona: (then she realized) (her eyes widened and she dropped him)
Chelsea: (chuckled)
Xander: ouch
Fiona: (screamed) how dare you
Xander: what?
Fiona: looking at my underwear
Xander: what is not like you didn't wear anything
Fiona: ughhh I can't believe you (flew down)
Am walking
Xander: thank God

Chelsea: umm guys I think we are here
Xander :finally
Chelsea: hey you insisted to come along
Fiona: this house is huge (touched the gate and it opened) well that's creepy
Wolf's came out and started barking
Fiona: holy crap
Ariana: Fiona, Chelsea don't worry they are chained
Fiona: hi Ariana
Ariana: hi, (looked at Xander)hi Xander
Xander: hi
Ariana: come in(gestured them inside) auntie Anna Pls get us juice
Fiona: so where's your dad Ariana : he hasn't come home, it's regular though sometimes he stays out on a business trip for a month
Xander: woah
Ariana: so what happened......What!!!

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