After that, they fired my driver on the spot, heightened security and made sure that I was only allowed exit if my parents approved of it. In ways I would have never been able to do without Ashton's teachings, I was able to escape. And like that we continued seeing each other without my servants nor the guards sighting me. A few weeks later, I had finished my noble school and soon to be whisked into the study of a career I didn't want.

So, soon after that, he had proposed to me. I was beyond esctatic and ready to take back my rule over my life forcefully. We both had gone back that same day to show them what had become of us.

"You can't marry him!" My mother had seethed that day, her face mostly devoid of her feelings. But that day, they were raging on and on.

"Why? Because I've found true love rather than marry the stuck up snob you would have chosen for me?"

"When did you gain such an attitude?"

"And when did you become the respectful and caring role model?"

"Young lady, you will not take that tone with me!"

"What would you do? Take away my car and thrust me on the streets just to prove to others how money hungry you are?"


"Oh I know what you would want to do. You'd try to denounce my right as your only child and heir!" For once my father wasn't smiling, he was frowning.


"Ok so before you do that, I will do mine. I, Jacqueline Vernayas D'veras denounces you two as my lawful parents. I will get my lawyer to change my surname and you may get any other noble child you'd like as your heir, I already have enough money to last me. Never again will I live by your rules, never again will I live with people that classify people's worth based on their bank account. I and my fiancee will be buying our estate at the north side of the country, far far from you!" Something inside my mother had changed. Her eyes grew darker.

"You won't get away with this, you scum." She lunged at him and tackled him to the ground. Something broke and I saw grabbing a chair and breaking it over her back. The wooden chair had raked against her, the hit plunged her into unconsciousness. An eerie silence had descended over the household, my father picked my mother up with a slight blur of tears.

"What have you done? " Guilt singed at me but I pushed it away.

"This is what you get when you stand in my way." Soon, my father with his driver had rushed my mother to a hospital. I had been packing my bags when a servant rushed to me, face white.

"Your... parents... they were involved in the accident. They're in the Intensive Care Unit." My heart plummeted and soon I was rushing to my car and racing to the hospital. My parents were battered beyond comprehension, every limb was wrapped in the satin white bandages. According to the doctor's report, they were barely grasping onto life. Soon after some hours had passed, I was told that they had passed away because the bleeding from the head injuries they had sustained could not be stopped.

I was beyond saddened, all I could do was stare at my shoes all day. Then as I had gotten to my home, I noticed something. Everything was in tatters. I looked around, wandering what had happened. A briefcase I had kept just beside my room that contained some of my most important files were stolen.

"Ashton?" I had called, suddenly feeling my insides crawl. After a few minutes, I sighted a crumbled note on the table, peeking out from the tide of papers. It said,

'Princess Jacqueline, your eyes are as beautiful as stars. But your head is as air filled as a balloon. To think, you could believe a stranger over your parents. I heard the news, your parents are dead. What a shame... My uncle would be very happy though, he had been finding ways to bring your parents down so that he could rule the clothing empire once again. And even with your foolishness, I must thank you sincerely for your help. You have brought the D'Souzas back to its limelight. Though, I wish I could share your loss but no rule is binding me to share it with you. Remember all the things I've taught you because your going to need it. Take this experience, as a deep result of trusting people too easily. For your sake, I left your precious money intact but I swept out all the money from your parents'. As much as I'd like to come for the funeral it is unfortunate I can not grace the invitation of a woman whom sent her mother to the hospital and killed both her parents in one night. So goodbye princess, I hope you find good in your unfortunate life.'

I fell unconscious and was in the hospital for a week. After that I had been released I had seriously considered eating more of my dose of pills. Most of the servants had left because they couldn't bear to look at me. Most genuinely cared for my parents and after their death, they wanted nothing to do for me. Among the nobles I had been the hottest gossip for almost a year and still counting. And in those moments, every rule that had looked cruel and illogical began to make sense.

Everyday I was bombarded with every memory of them, all of the rules to the jokes and even the strictness and their dismissal of me dating boys. I had to go to therapy to get over the guilt and the frequent nightmares. As time went on, I missed them more and more. The ache that infested in my heart made me very fragile. I was able to start working and get my business up and running. But, never again would I ever be able to forgive myself for what I had done. Their absence made me truly remember their worth.

I want to thank God for giving me the Grace to write this.I'm not really good with story tiltes yet. Anyway, how was it? Please vote and comment if you like.

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