even though it still felt insane, the high had came down. secina day alone in her dressing room, as she wiped off the last of her makeup. she heard a small knock on the door, and mindless muttered a small 'come in'. she expected it to be another random contestant or employee congratulating her on her success. she didn't expect filly to walk in, holding a gigantic bunch of pink roses.

secina had her back to the door, but her mirror was facing him, when she noticed he was standing there, she was quick to toss out the cotton pad, before jumping into his embrace. it was a bittersweet hug, and secina felt the energy of the air shift once they pulled away.

"congrats.." he mumbled, tracing shapes on her collarbone as he did t everything but make eye contact with her. "thanks..!"
she over enthusiastically said, making direct eye contact.

"so.." he muttered, sitting on the loveseat nearby her makeup chair. "so.." she mimicked, sitting criss cross applesauce on her makeup chair, as they both soaked up the silence.

"new york is far away.." secina pointed out. as she picked at her cuticle. "it is." filly confirmed, nodding as he watches her fingers move. all miss universe winners were required to live in new york during their serving, and secina was nervous to be far from home.

"i'm gonna miss you.." secina told him. it sounded more as a question but filly smiled. secina stood up, sitting next to him as fully wrapped an arm around her. "don't worry about me.." he told her. it was in her nature to care about others. her knew she would begin to spiral and think about others.

"i wanted to do this to feel like a princess.." she mumbled, a childish tone evident in her voice. filly cracked a smile, as secina stared off into the distance.

"your my princess." he shrugged, rubbing up and down her arm.

"i'm gonna miss you.." secina repeated, sounding more sure of herself as fully nodded.

"i'm gonna miss you too."

"you gonna wait for me?"

"of course. you gonna have fun for me?"

"of course."



"i love you.

"i love you too."

and those were that last words that the pair spoke for
the rest of the time spent together. soon makeup and hair artists arrived to begin takedown of secina's look, and they were quick to usher filly out. the pair shared no more than a final
glance before they were separated.

that was the ending to this story. in retrospect, this was a sad ending, the lovers did not end up together, and it want to date, it rather secinas own choices. it seemed like a sad ending.

but this is secina's story. secina would never end her story with a man. she achieved a life long goal of hers, and that was it. there was no filly in the picture. because secinas life didn't revolve around them.

to put it simply, it would've been impossible to have a perfect ending. secina never saw herself being centenary just because she had a boyfriend, and filly really couldn't imagine his life with anyone other than secina.

it sucks for filly. i mean, this was secina's story.secina got her ending, becuase it was secina's world.



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the end 💕

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