Chapter 13: True Love's Kiss

Start from the beginning

Winter snapped out of his surprised state, and rushed right at (Y/n). She screamed in alarm as he swiftly grabbed her around the waist scooped her up and over his shoulder.

Winter walked towards the exit while the dwarves began looting the place and the guests.

"Put me down, you brute!" She yelled, pounding her fists against his back and kicking her legs.

"Stop squirming!" He said, trying not to drop her.

"No! Let me go!" (Y/n) demanded.

Winter raised his hand and gave her a smack on the butt.

(Y/n) gasped and stilled from surprise. "Did you dare you...!"

"Keep still, or I'll do it again." He warned.

(Y/n) glared at him over her shoulder, but stopped moving as he continued to carry her out of the wedding venue.


The Queen's sled began pulling up to the wedding venue. Inside the sled, the Queen sat wearing a large white dress with flower details, a big sparkly crown, and a long veil.

"No matter how many times I do it, I still get excited on my wedding day." She whispered.

Brighton sat across from her looking very bored and fed up. He gave her a small sarcastic smile, before he continued looking out the window.

The sled pulled up to the entrance, and the Queen stepped out of the sled.

When she stopped at the entrance, she was confused as to why no one was outside. She noticed the tent doors were closed, and marched towards them, throwing them open.

Inside, the staff stood there, looking at her smugly. A throat cleared beside them, and the Queen saw that all her guests were missing their clothes, and only wearing their underclothes.

"What is it with this kingdom?!" She exclaimed.

"This is outrageous."


"Your Majesty. If you are unfit to handle a few bandits, you are unfit to rule. The gentry want you deposed." The Baron announced.

The Queen started to stutter a bit. "I-I'm sorry Baron, did you say..."

"Deposed! Dismissed! Removed from office!" He shouted.

"Okay, could someone get the Prince please? And my maid of honor?" She requested.

"I'm afraid, they're not here, Your Majesty." One of the staff spoke.


"They've been stolen."

"By whom?"

"Winter." All the guests replied.

The Queen's face held an icy blank look. She turned to leave the tent, but grabbed Brighton by the collar and pulled him closer as she passed.

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