Chapter ❷❷

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I raced to my computer, carrying my diner alongside my trip. The soup mum had made slushed in the bowel, nearly spilling on my laptop as I frantically turned it on.
I typed into the URL bar, waiting for the website to come up. I had seen an ad where a girl starts a charity and raises money for something with this website. That was my plan. The Karly Jeffersonly Foundation. I would raise money for young kids an teens who have brain traumas that couldn't be stopped. And maybe, just maybe, I would raise enough money to build a machine that could stop, or at least slow down brain traumas. I clicked on the create now button, heart beating out of my chest. After filling in the boxes and getting my mum to agree to the terms and conditions and credit card details and what not, it was ready. The foundation existed! I gathered all the money that I had and collected money from kids at school that had also been effected by her death (or at least from the kids who didn't hate me) and decided to make a TV commercial.
Mum drove me down to the recording place a week later to film the commercial. It cost $430.68 for 30 seconds. But it was worth it. In the end, the commercial ended up saying this:
"Do you know someone who has been affected by a treacherous brain trauma? I know how it feels to lose someone special. Karly Jeffersonly recently passed away due to an advanced brain trauma after a car crash. Please, help us help you, or someone you know, to put a stop to this heart breaking disease. Together we can do it. Phone 628 003 628 or visit to make your donation. Please. Don't let anymore lives be Broken By Reality."
The ad was a huge success. In the first week, I received $607. By the end of the first month, the commercial had made a whopping $3056.95, which was all donated to the foundation since I used my own money to make the commercial. I ran the commercial for a total of 6 weeks and also received $704 online, bringing my total to $5028.90. I was so happy that there was a reason behind Karly's death and even if it did hurt me, if it meant that I could save hundreds of other lives, than it may have been worth it. Mum was right, something good did come out of this and I was mighty proud that it had.

After I had donated all the money to the foundation, the scientists managed to create a machine that would prevent the disease from developing more, and even slowly cure it. Of course the patient would never be exactly the same and as healthy as they were before, but if it meant an extra 65 years or so of their lives, then it was totally worth it. The machine was such a success that 17 others ended up being built and spread across the country. I, in total, have so far saved 103 lives nation wide. Karly would've wanted this.
I slept well now compared to before, knowing that no one would bully me as badly as they had ever done. No way. Someone would have to have no brains or respect at all to push me around now (not being egotistic or anything but it was the truth).
Life was returning to the way it should be, happy and normal, which meant no depressing words.
I woke up for another happy day of school, ready for the sunshine to burst into my life. After eating my pancakes, the bus arrived as I jumped on. Life was so much different now I would've never ever taken the bus before as it was like torchere with a capital T. Throughout the whole day of school, there were no mean words, mean names, or even stupid comments. And for the fist time ever, I was welcomed into the seats at the front of the classroom. The seats with the considerably cool kids. They actually accepted me for once. It was a great feeling knowing that I now had some sort of meaning. They invited me to sit with them at lunch, which I really didn't mind considering I had no one to sit with after the unfortunate event with my best friend. I met Jennifer, Brian, Kim, Lawrance, and Julie, who surprisingly weren't that stuck up as I thought they would be. They wee actually kind, loving, funny, and down to earth which totally goes against popular kid stereotypes. "So wayne, how are you coping with the whole Karly thing?" Jennifer asked gently
"I'm actually coping pretty well. I mean I started that charity and changed heaps of lives. Like it is still really sad and I still miss her and all but she didn't die for nothing. Something good came out of it." everyone nodded and smiled
"You're amazing wayne. I mean like to take something as sad as that and then have the motivation to create a charity is incredible. It's touching." Kim stated nicely
"Yea. You really are amazing dude." Brian added to Kim's comment.
Lawrance and Julie just nodded and smiled, patting me on the back.

Authors note: this isn't the last chapter so please don't abandon this book. There is only about one chapter left which will be published really soon. Probably within the next few days. I will be writing a new book when I finish this one so stay tuned!

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