Shinra/Aurthur x Reserved!FemReader

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A/N been a hot minute (get it?) since I've written for Fire Force and I'm rewatching so-


Shinra Kusakabe
- While Shinra's not against the whole 'reserved' thing, obviously because he managed to get the crush in the first place, but he's definitely going to be incredibly awkward when engaging.
- At the beginning, very much gets caught up on the approach and delivery of his greetings and conversations, making them VERY unnatural.
- Never quite knows what to say or how to say it. Tries his best to gauge (Name')s reaction to curtail it to her more but girls are so complicated-
- Little does he know, every single interaction dorky or not wears on (Name)'s cold exterior and soon enough she's seeking him out of her own volition.
- On missions they happen on together, in her free time, every moment they're in the same room she starts to gravitate towards the boy, which only goes unnoticed for a few weeks or so
- Shinra starts to speak a little more naturally around her and bit by bit, he comes to grips with having full conversations with her despite only getting 3 word responses most time
- One day, he's rambling on about how cool it would be if he could suddenly be the 'Hero everyone needs' and (Name) is so touched by the notion, she let's her head fall onto his shoulder suddenly with a silent smile.
- He's sort of a stuttering mess but she's not complaining.
- Blurts out his feelings right then and there - feelings he definitely wasn't expecting her to reciprocate - she does tho.

Arthur Boyle
- Arthur certainly doesn't mind spending his days with someone who's mostly quiet - infact, he'd very much prefer to spend his time with someone like that, a fair maiden who is much more introspective than extroverted.
- A lot of time is spent daydreaming by the both of them and any passerby is left to wonder if they're in need of assistance- they're perfectly okay, just kind of existing in the same space together while also in their own little worlds. It's quite nice, not feeling obligated to keep a conversation going.
- When they do speak, it's also pretty pleasant. It's usually about the most random things; thoughts that come across either's minds, food and what they're in the mood for at the time, if the other feels like sparring - all usually short lived.
- He's the type to randomly hand out compliments, especially when he notices something is different about (Name) i.e. hair, nails, etc. If you think he's not paying attention to her, think again; he silently takes notice of details he'd otherwise not care about in regards to anyone else.
- Compliments are always earnest and given with a smile (part of him just likes to fluster her), making him that much more attractive honestly.
- It is pointed out by several people in his company about the exorbitant amount of time spent on seeking out (Name)'s presence and just...silently basking in it.
- "It's weird, dude. You guys don't even talk half the time." - Shinra
- His immediate response is a shrug, followed by "I just really enjoy her company." And he really, really does.
- 'Really enjoy' eventually graduates to 'Love' when he starts to really get to know her - her humor, her strengths, her faults - and somehow he finds every little new thing he learns captivating
- For the most part, has 0 problems confessing when he's ready, even with a rapidly increasing heart rate. (Name) can't help but chuckle a bit at "My fair Lady" part tho, blush and all.


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