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name: Aurora

Age: 6 years old

Clan: Icewing / Nightwing

Sex: female

Statue: alive / deceased in wings of fire Paradia (but possible to get in touch via the mirror of the star wings)

Appears in: Wings of Fire: The Ultimate Heiress

Queen: Queen Gloria of Nightwings / Queen Avalanche (deceased) of Icewings (formerly), herself Queen of Icewings

Father: Prince Winter of Ice Wings


Father-in-law: Qibli

Uncle: Prince Hailstorm (deceased)

Aunt: Princess Icicle (deceased)

Grandfather: Prince Narval (deceased)

Grandmother: Princess Toundra (deceased)

Sibling: Twilight, Meteor Sister: none

Half-brother: Everest

Half-sister: Ariana, Himalaya

Godmother: Lynx

In love with: Cactus

Wife of: Cactus

Function: Student at Jade Mountain (formerly), Icewing Princess, Icewing Queen

Descriptions: She is white with black scales and galaxy blue wings. She has blue-green eyes and a silver meteorite-like tear that lands on her eye.

Powers: Clairvoyance, Telepathy

Story: She is the daughter of Prince Winter, therefore she is a princess. She grows up in hiding with her father and brothers for fear that the ice wings will discover and kill her. Later, she will go to Jade Mountain. There, she has visions and announces a prophecy saying that all the ice wings will disappear if the ultimate heiress does not come to change the course of things. She therefore leaves the school in the hope of being able to save them. She eventually succeeds and will become queen of the ice wings with Cactus as king and husband, who is transformed into an ice wing

 She eventually succeeds and will become queen of the ice wings with Cactus as king and husband, who is transformed into an ice wing

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