Chapter 5

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You soon woke up with a smile knowing that you were able to see jack once again today you got up and got ready for the day brushing you h/c hair and putting on the normal everyday clothes that you somehow had in the closet in your room, you then went out something, as soon as you got to the front door jack stopped you "hey what are you doing?" He asks as you turn to him "oh I'm just.." you stopped not knowing what to say you then got an idea "I'm going to the beach you wanna come?" You say as you smile you always have a swimsuit top under your shirt just incase so why not.

"Of course why not, but can you want for me though" he says as you agree to wait after a couple of minutes he came back ready to go you both then headed out to the beach where you would then drown some men because why not you had nothing to do and it was always your job to kill sailors who where stupid enough.

You both soon arrived to the beach no one was there obviously because it was a school day for most people with kids so you choose a good day to go so jack wouldn't get annoyed and kill a kid in front of anyone.

You guys soon found a good sunny spot since you were smart you could just take off you shirt and your skirt that you had on jack on the other hand had to go find a rock to change behind you giggled at that

He came put to find that you..were nowhere to be seen he looked over at the water and there you where as beautiful as ever, you soon noticed him looking at you you then turned around, he blushed a bit at the fact that your eyes shimmered in the sun light how could he not know this, he knew that this was his second time seeing you outside in the sun light but you looked majestic he blushed at the fact of that "hey jack why do you come in" you yell to him you then looked down worried that he would notice.

He soon got in and swam towards you the then splashed youyou gasp as you then splashed him back "so mean how could you" he says as he was acting dramatic, you then rolled your eyes but then, just at that moment you and him felt something he jumped at the fact the sadly, you being half fish didn't help your paranoia and that he felt some of you fin brush along his leg "I think a fish just touched me" he says as he laughs a little, but you didnt..he noticed that

"Is everything ok?" He asks you looking worried, you then looked down and after awhile..he figured it out, but not in the right way "wait, wait, wait, you're a mermaid" you then looked up and giggled "not exactly, im a..siren" you say after awhile, he then blinked at you and then smiled as if he had no care in the world it made you blush "so, you can sing?" He says the answer was so obvious but you said yes anyway you guys soon swam back to shore, he then noticed it all..and you felt something..dry? You looked up to see him helping you dry off it made you blush such a deep red and you couldn't really hide the fact.

After awhile of you explaining your legs came back and he kissed you it made you so happy.

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