22 The Princess

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A few years passed, the twins are counted in human years twelve years old, Saera is four now and Princess Aera still hasn't claimed a dragon while Aerys is Shyrkos' rider since he has been eight years old.

The Princess told her mother that as long as no dragon comes to her itself she won't claim one, which is completely right but she didn't even tried to get near one.
Her twin makes a bit fun of it and says "Perhaps my sister is afraid of dragons"
On this point it always escalates and they're fighting because the Princess isn't afraid but the Prince doesn't believe her.

A week after the twins birthday the Queen took her daughter out and rode with her and her husband to Dragonstone.
She said "I don't wanna force you but, if you aren't even trying you'll have to go a difficult way to have a dragon"

It was not a long way on dragon back but a horse can't fly, the Queen had realized it and laughed to herself.
"What are you laughing about mom?" Aera asked and smiled.
"I just realized that horses are much slower than dragons, I'm doing so much with Drohaeleys that I forgot how it is to be not fast on Dragonstone" her mother replied and the three of them laughed.

After a few hours they finally arrived at Dragonstone and Aera was stunned.
"Wow, this is wonderful" she said as she saw all these dragons in the sky and the large castle.
Maesera smiled and said "Here I was born and here were living Targaryen's already centurys ago"
The King was standing beside them and said "It's been a while but it didn't even change the slightest bit"

The castle was still looking the same and the dragons were circling in the wind currents, it almost looked like they were playing with each other.
As the three passed the ruins of the houses around the Castle they went inside the stables and brought the horses something to eat and water to drink.
From the stables they went inside Dragonstone and Princess Aera was even more stunned than before when her parents showed her everything.

Because it was midday they all had a small meal and went outside again.
The Queen's dragon followed them and greeted them outside with a huff and the small Princess felt even smaller when the dragon lady came near her.
Drohaeleys let out a good natured scream and took off in the air again.
Her scream made the other dragons come to them, so they were surrounded by ten dragons.
The Princess maybe was scared when she saw the white fury standing right in front of her, but she would never admit it herself.

Dandaerion, Morpheus, Trantor, Synnax, Norvos, Talocan, Asrael, Paragon, Morrigan and Sadirus stood around them.

They all got some strokes over their noses from Princess Aera except the white fury, he growled and walked away before anyone could've touched him.
And one by one dragon walked or flew away again.
"They don't like me" the girl said and looked sad.
"They accept you, otherwise they wouldn't have let you touch them sweety. And Morpheus always has been reserved, it's hard to earn his trust." Maesera explained.
Her daughter nodded and looked to her father "how were you not scared of Morpheus?"
"Oh I was. But when it was about to finally fight against Namor I trusted this gorgeous beast" he said and laid a hand on his daughter's shoulder. "You will have a dragon one day" her parents said at the same moment.

It was evening meanwhile, the three of them were sitting in front of the fireplace and the King and the Queen were telling their daughter a lot about what they already went through and their happy moments.
The King was tired after a while and headed for his chambers.

The Queen and the Princess were sitting a while and spoke about dragons.
The two were tired too, so Maesera brought Aera to her chambers and went to Thranduil afterwards.

The night was silent and even Maesera could sink into a relaxing sleep without any nightmare.
She and Thranduil laid peacefully snuggled together in bed while Princess Aera couldn't close even one eye.
'What if I'm just not supposed to have a dragon?'
She thought to herself.

Aera had enough of rolling from one side to the other while she's trying to sleep so she got up, took her coat and wandered through the empty hallways of Dragonstone.

She went to the kitchen to drink something and continued her way which led her into the throne room.
She inspected the dragons carved in the stone and as she wanted to go inspect the throne she heard a deep breath and realized that a dragon laid right behind it.
A short gasp came from her out of shock because the dragon was all black and she didn't saw it before.
It didn't look like one of the dragons she has seen outside.
The dragon was like thirteen feet high and twenty feet long.

The short gasp let the dragon wake up and as it opened it's eyes they were white except it's pupils.
The dragon stood up and walked towards the Princess who was backing up, in the bit moonlight that shines through the windows Aera could see the elegant and arrogant design of the young dragon.

The dragon's nose and snout were thin and same as the whole body very elegant, the upper horn pair was waved under the under horn pair because the under horns were waved up, her throat was covered in armor like scales and her neck with one spine line in the middle of it's neck that ends where the wings start and continues on the end of the wings to the tail.
The tail has sharp spikes on the left and right side.

The dragon walked still slowly towards Aera, the Princess was afraid of what the dragon could do and ordered the dragon to stop "Hēliss!" She said, to her surprise the dragon listened and stopped.
The small Princess walked slowly towards the dragon with a hand up like she wants to give the black reptile a treat.
The dragon growled and opened it's jaws, to spit fire, but the fire isn't orange but a glowing white.
"Lykirī" the black reptile closed it's jaws and leaned it's head down "Rybās, Dohāeras" Aera was confident now and as the dragon leaned the body down to let the Princess climb up to it's back.

As the Princess was sitting on the dragons back she thought about a name that fits for her dragon.

"Naejot Blackpearl" she said and the dragon walked out of the castle as soon as they were outside the Princess let out a joyful "Sōvēz!"

Blackpearl took three to four big and fast steps before she opened her wings and rises up into the sky.

No one could've seen the dragon in the black night sky just the white hair from Princess Aera.

They flew high in the clouds and down to dip Blackpearl's wings in the water of the Narrow Sea.

"Jīkagon lenton Blackpearl" the Princess shouted and the dragon turned back to Dragonstone.

The flight of the fresh bounded dragon and rider ended and the Princess went back inside with a happy face expression.
Aera trowed her coat onto the chair beside her bed and went into a deep and relaxing sleep.


I must say I'm surprised how long the peace lasts 👀

I must say I'm surprised how long the peace lasts 👀

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That's btw how I imagined Blackpearl

I hope you liked it and continue reading

Greetings Elaenyra 💚

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