Evening at the district + exciting news

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Olivia's POV
*last period was almost over  which means that it's almost time to go home for most people but for me I have to go to the district which I'm not mad about I love the district ! Being with all my aunts and uncles and grandpa Hank ! And Hailey which is my dads girlfriend but they don't live together but she's over all the time ! I was in history class we were reading about ww1 which is kinda boring if I'm going to be honest but finally the bell rang ! So I grabbed my book bag and packed up my books and I met up with my friend Layla in the hallway*
Layla:hey ! How was history ?
Liv:boring as always
Layla:well I had math and we had a substitute
Liv:who ?
Layla:ms Jane
Liv:Omg I love her
Layla:she didn't care if we did the work or not
Liv:I wish !
*we walked outside and I saw uncle Kelly's car outside he brings me to the district cause he goes on shift 20 mins after school is ended so I said goodbye to Layla and I got in his car*
Kelly:hey kiddo
Liv:hi uncle Kelly *smiles*
Kelly:how was school ?
Liv:boring as usual
Kelly:yeah kinda figured that was what you were going to say *laughs*
Liv:do you know if dad is out ?
Kelly:I have no idea , why ?
Liv:just wondering but I'll just ask Trudy when I get in
*we jammed out to Taylor Swift and we soon pulled into the district parking lot so I got out of the car and said goodbye to uncle Kelly and I headed inside*
Trudy:hey Mini Halstead
Liv:hi ! Is dad upstairs ?
Trudy:well him and Hailey just headed out but the others are there
Liv:k thanks !
*trudy buzzed me upstairs and I headed up to the bullpen and saw Adam,Kevin and Kim upstairs and Hank was in his office*
Adam:hey Liv !
Liv:hi !
Adam:how was school ?
Liv:boring ! *I say as I put my book bag down besides dads desk*
Adam:fair point
Liv:what case do you got ?
Kim:a drug case
Liv:sounds like fine *says sarcastically*
Kim:very ! *matches my sarcasm*
*I headed into the break room and got started on my homework and after about 20 mins my dad came in*
Jay:hey sweetheart *smiles*
Liv:hi dad !
Jay:what are ya doing ?
Jay:what subject ,
Jay:need any help ?
Liv:well I can't figure out this question
Jay:let me see *sits down*
Jay:oh you just gotta times these numbers and then divide by 2
Liv:yeah I know that ! But I don't know what 4x32 is
Jay:use a calculator
Liv:I don't have one
Jay:there's one on your phone
Liv:it's dead
Jay:well 4x32 is 128
Liv:thanks dad !
Jay:your welcome
*dad left the break room and I finished my homework and a little while after dad came in and said it was time to go so I packed up my things and I headed out*
Adam:bye Olivia !
Liv:bye uncle Adam !
*I said goodbye to Trudy as I walked out the door and got in jays truck*
Jay:so how was school ?
Jay:any tests or anything coming up ?
Liv:nope ! I'm just glad that I only have 5 days left until summer break !
Jay:oh yeah ! I forgot that was so soon
Liv:I can't wait !
*we pulled up to our apartment and dad unlocked the door and we headed inside*
Jay:do you want to order pizza for supper?
Liv:yeah sure !
*i headed into my bedroom and went straight do my bathroom and got a shower and then got changed info some comfy clothes*

Olivia's POV*last period was almost over  which means that it's almost time to go home for most people but for me I have to go to the district which I'm not mad about I love the district ! Being with all my aunts and uncles and grandpa Hank ! And ...

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*I put this outfit on and I brushed my hair and left it down and I headed out to the kitchen and saw pizza on the table*
Jay:hey ! I was just about to call you out for supper
Liv:well surprise ! *smiles*
*we sat down at the table and started eating*
Jay:so I wanna ask you something
Liv:what's up ?
Jay:how would you feel if Hailey moved in with us ?
Liv:Omg that would be amazing !!
Jay:k I'll let her know after supper
Liv:wait she actually is ?!!!
Jay:yeah ! We've been talking about it for a while
Now but I wanted to ask you first
Liv:well of course I'm ok with it ! I love Hailey
Jay:I'm glad ! *smiles*
*we ate our pizza and talked about summer break and what was going on and stuff and then I headed up to the bedroom and watched some Netflix cause my dad was on the phone with Hailey probably telling her she could move in ! But after my episode was over I decided to FaceTime Layla*
On FaceTime
Layla:hey boo
Liv:hey !
Layla:what's up ! You seem very happy !!
Liv:oh my dad's girlfriend Hailey is moving in with us
Layla:is that one you like ?
Liv:well first of all he only has 1 girlfriend and 2 yes
Layla:well that's exciting!
Liv:yeah ! I'm really excited! And it will be nice to have a woman in the house
Layla:yeah ! I'm so happy for you
Liv:thanks !
Layla:do you know when she's moving in?
Liv:no my dads on the phone with her right now tho
Layla:well let me know when you get details
Liv:will do ! Bye !
Layla:bye !
Back to reality
*I hang up the phone and I head downstairs where dad is sitting down*
Jay:hey !
Liv:hi ! Was that Hailey ?
Jay:yeah ! She's going to start moving her things in Tomorrow since we have the day off
Liv:I can't wait !!
Jay:I'm glad your excited!
Liv:it's going to be nice to have a another woman in the house
Jay:I agree !
*we decided to watch the moana movie ! It's my favourite movie and we had popcorn and drank some Pepsi and then after it was over we went to bed*

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