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Fairy Six


It's been a couple of weeks since Tiana and Muzan have met and bonded together. During those weeks, their relationship has been growing to the point where Muzan would come back to his manor at random times to spend time with the fairy.

During his time with her, he learned that having Tiana around him he was less angry and irritated. He was more calm and relaxed and he liked that, not that he wanted to admit.

Currently, Muzan was back at his manor currently walking through the hallway towards the kitchen. He came back unannounced which caught his servants off guard but they didn't say anything but bowed their heads when he passed.

He was making his way to the kitchen after being informed by one his of servants about Tiana's whereabouts when he asked. As he neared the kitchen, he could hear Tiana's sweet and airy voice and from hearing how it was louder than usual, he knew she was in her human form. He also noticed that she was excited about something.

Muzan entered the kitchen quietly not caring that fact the demon he assigned to watch over and take care of Tiana had noticed his presence already. Tiana on the other hand didn't notice as she was too caught up with what she was doing.

"Did I make it right?! It looks like I did!"

"Y—yes but have a taste to make sure it's to your liking as I cannot."

"Okay!" Tiana did what she was told and eagerly took a bite before doing a small a jump of excitement as a familiar taste bombarded her tastebuds.

"It's delicious!!"


Muzan called out to her making his presence known to the fairy, he watched as Tiana whirled around to face him with a huge smile that he found...adorable.

"Muzan-sama! Welcome back!"

Tiana greeted him excitedly, her orange eyes twinkling. In the weeks that has passed, Muzan had granted Tiana the permission to call him by his name.

"Yes, I am and you seem elated." He said as he walked over towards to see exactly what had her so excited and on observation, it was a pink dessert that humans made. For the name he didn't know and didn't care for.

"Why yes! Chiyo was kind enough to teach me how to make sakura mochi!" Tiana told him motioning towards the stiff and quiet female demon, although Muzan didn't spare Chiyo a glance simply ignoring her presence altogether.

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