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"Here," The purple haired 7 year old boy held out his hand," If we're quiet enough, they won't hear us."
The three year old, violet haired girl stared up at her older brother with a sniffle.
"But, Tartarus, they'll get mad..."
Tartarus crouched down, getting to the child's eye level," I promise you, we'll be fine. Yun Jin, please?"
Her lip trembled, anxiously.
"It'll be quick, I promise. Mummy, daddy and older brother won't know. Okay?"
Yun Jin puffed her cheeks, stubbornly yet aggressively shaking her head, Tartarus deadpanned.
"That's not true! Daddy told me that whenever I lie he knows I lie! So, I'll get into big trouble!"
"Dad doesn't know what he's talking about," Tartarus scowled," Trust me, you won't get in any trouble, okay?"
"Take my hand, alright? Aren't you a brave girl?"
Yun Jin nodded, weakly.
"So, would a brave girl be scared?"
"N-nuh uh!"
"So, are you chicken or are you boar!?"
"I'm a boar!" Yun Jin puffed her chest slightly," I charge at the enemies and growl at them!"
"Then, let's g-"

"What are you doing?"
Tartarus span around facing his older brother, smiling guiltily. Xiao raised an eyebrow, frowning. Even though Xiao was only 12, he tried to act like an adult.
"Good morning, sunshine," Tartarus chuckled.
Xiao glanced outside at the sky," Good morning...right, it's one in the morning and I'm trying to sleep."
"Well then," Tartarus smirked as Yun Jin trembled, terrified of being scolded," Go back to sleep, sleepy head."
"You're planning on running out again, aren't you?" Xiao grumbled, cranky from being so tired.
"I wouldn't dare!" Tartarus faux gasped, placing his hand over his heart.
"I can't believe you would follow him," Xiao glared at his younger sister.
Yun Jin burst into tears, wailing. The two boys panicked, at this rate her crying would wake their parents up and they'd both be in trouble.
"Hey, hey, don't cry! Don't cry!" Xiao immediately shot up, rubbing her back.
Yun Jin only wailed louder.
"Ugh, you made it worse, you gremlin!" Tartarus groaned at Xiao.
"Shut up you weakling!"
Yun Jin wailed more, the two grimacing.
"Oi, look at me!" Tartarus exclaimed, grabbing a warding mask and putting it on his face, stomping like an ogre," I'm a big, silly, scary monster! I gobble children!"
Yun Jin blinked, tears dripping down her cheeks; before screaming with tears.

Xiao glared at Tartarus, who deflated.
"Why would you scare her to make her stop crying!?" Xiao snapped.
"I don't know!" Tartarus grumbled.
The two sweated in horror, hearing their parents in the other room get out of bed as Yun Jin continued to wail.
"Ugh!" Xiao groaned," This is all your fault!"
"My fault!?" Tartarus retorted," This is your fault for getting involved!"
"Please! You're the one who tried to leave with a toddler at like one in the morning!"
Tartarus growled, leaping at his older brother and tackling him. Xiao grumbled, fighting back. Yun Jin wailed as the door slid open.
"Both of you stop that!"
Xiao and Tartarus froze, hearing that voice, Xiao pushed his brother off him so he rolled onto the floor. Zhongli glared at the two, irritated, clearly they'd woken him up. Beside him was their mother, who was bouncing Yun Jin in her arms, shaking her head in disapproval at the two boys.
"Give me one good reason why you're up at this ridiculous hour," Zhongli grumbled, glaring at them.
"It's his fault," Xiao immediately pointed at Tartarus.
"How!?" Tartarus yelped," Dad, he's lying! It's his fault!"

"I don't care whose fault it is," Zhongli seethed, tapping his arm impatiently," I asked for a reason."
The two glanced at each other, wondering whether it would be better to rat each other out or to work together.
"I have a better question," Zhongli grumbled," Which one of you would rather spend the rest of the night telling me why I shouldn't punish you both."
The two stared at the floor in silence.
"They scared me!" Yun Jin cried," Being monsters!"
The two boys stared at their younger sister in shock. Did she just set them up. Why!? It wasn't like she was going to get punished anyway, so what was the need.
"Ah, I see," Zhongli glared at the two, furious," Then maybe I both need to teach you how to be respectful older brothers."
As Ei walked away with Yun Jin in her arms, the two boys noticed a small smirk tugging on their little sisters lips.
"She's worse than us..." Tartarus muttered.
"And now we're going to get the fall for it," Xiao gulped, as their father stormed over.

Trails of intertwined stars: Chapter 26Where stories live. Discover now