My Destiny

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[Y/n woke up from his two week coma after he got punched in his dream by Kurama.]

[He looked down to see his once skinny body was now an athletic and muscular one similar to the one in his dream.]

Y/n: Holy Shit, I am  Jacked!

Kurama: Well duh. You did spend three years doing Kung Fu with the legendary Master Kurama.

Y/n: Master ?! Where are you ?

Kurama: I'm still in your consciousness you idiot. I can now communicate with you and see through your eyes. God lord man clean up your fucking room.

Y/n: Har Har, Wait, did you say three years ?!

Kurama: Yeah.

Y/n: Oh no, the Five, The Valley, Po, Tai Lung!......

[He then felt an hard slap at the back of his head as Kurama had mentally slapped him.]

Kurama: Relax nitwit, I meant 3 years in your mind. Time works different in the consciousness. While you've been training 3 years in the mind, only 2 weeks have passed.

Y/n: Oh thank god. Still I have to see if everything is alright.

[He exited the doors of the Jade Palace hoping to find Po and Shifu]

[And hopefully not the Valley burning to the ground]

[The now muscular Vixen saw both the sensei and his brother. Po immediately saw Y/n and rushed to him]

Po: Y/n! How've you been ? I missed you so much.

Y/n: I missed you to, Po.

[Shifu walked up to the two brothers as Y/n noticed him.]

Shifu: Y/n, you have grown. I see that Master Kurama has trained you well.

[The fox's eyes widen.]

Y/n: You know about Master Kurama ?

Shifu: How could I not, he is one of my teammates during my time with Master Oogway. I also wish to apologize. I was wrong to judge you and Po based on your looks. I have learned to see others strengths and how they can use it.

[Y/n's face softened hearing this.]

Po: Wait, Master Kurama ? As in THE Master Kurama ?

Y/n: Yeah.

Po: Dude, Y/n. You just got training from one of the most legendary Kung fu master in the entire world.

Shifu: Indeed Y/n is now strong but both of you are far from invincible. Remember Tai Lung has years of experience on the both of you. Still I given you both an fighting chance.

[He bows to the two brothers who bows back. Then Po looks up to see something in the sky]

Po: Hey guys, what's that ?

[The big panda points to an object flying in the distance. Shifu and Po are confused while Y/n is horrified knowing what it is.]

Y/n: Please god no.

[It's crane and he carries the five to the palace grounds, crashing in a heap. His paralyzed comrades are scattered in the middle of the courtyard. Shifu is speechless.]

PO: Guys? Guys!

[Po throws his backpack aside and runs over to them.]

Po:They're dead?! No, they're breathing! They're asleep?! No, their eyes are open...

Y/n: Their paralyzed, Po.

[Crane is exhausted, his feathers ruffled.]

CRANE: [Out of breath] We were no match... for his nerve attack.

Kung fu Panda : Fox of the jade PalaceWhere stories live. Discover now